You're Joking, Right?

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
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yep buyer beware, was angling for a dart board some time ago, £30 odd quid on ebay, £19 argos. :)
On the subject of mobile phones; didn't the law change a few years ago that they had to give you the code to unlock the handset hence bringing us in line with France??
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On the subject of mobile phones; didn't the law change a few years ago that they had to give you the code to unlock the handset hence bringing us in line with France??

They can charge (admin?) for the code and put all sorts of conditions on when they release it though.
I'm not sure why people obsess with Apple products, esp the iPhone....they are limited to certain applications and there are better phones out there to be had
Mrs Secure has always fancied one - you argue with her!!

What would you recommend?

Galaxy SIII or Ace?
On the subject of mobile phones; didn't the law change a few years ago that they had to give you the code to unlock the handset hence bringing us in line with France??
I think the service provider has to give you the code to enable the phone to be unlocked to any network, if you ask them for it.
I asked Vodafone for the unlock code and received it via email (complete with instructions on how to do it) within 15 minutes of asking. ;) ;) ;)
But, depending upon your status (ie PAYG, pay monthly and whether you have any contract remaining), providers reserve the right to charge for it.

I had a Virgin Mobile SE K800i that I wanted unlocking. They asked me to buy £30 of top-ups, which was not an issue, as at least it was not dead money. I just used up the credit, then swapped provider.
What would you recommend?

Galaxy SIII or Ace?

Both much of a muchness, both cracking phones and the iPhone 4 cannot touch these. I'm currently running a HTC desire HD for personal and the original HTC desire for work, both were bubbed iPhone killers and i truely believe they were, since then apple released the 4 but they've still lagged behind Android, never been an iphone owner so only commenting from what friends and colleagues have said, all jumped on the iphone bandwagon then got wind of of android and made the switch, never looked back.

Whats the latest apple fiasco nowadays.....ah yes, they're changing the connector on the iphone 5, so no accessories from the older phone will fit, so now everybody with ipod docking stations have just got expensive paper weights
Somebody will come up with an adaptor.

As for the phones, the Galaxies are way more expensive than the iphone anyhow, so out of our price range...

Will look up HTC.

Galaxy Europa any good. Know it's cut-down, but seems to get good reviews: do you rate it?
I would choose the Galaxy S3 or the Sony Xperia S over the iPhone 4 every time.

I have the Xperia S, and it was a toss up between that and the Galaxy S3, and it took me a long time and researching the phones before I made the choice.

I did look at the HTC range, but it was the design of it I didnt really like.
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