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Being executed for having a 'sharp tongue' is a pretty good reason to keep yours blunt.
Really? How defeatist.
Perhaps but that's how it works.

Where are you from EFL?
My predecessors have been there longer than yours have been where you live.

You must be an immigrant to have such a defeatist attitude.
I did move to Dorset.

When a gang of ira men arrived at my Grandads home to murder him his sword was sharpened and he cut lumps out of them.
That's how its done when you care about your country.
Why, then, did the girl in your example not do that?

So, you are comfortable calling it your country even though your predecessors are immigrants who took over the place,

Edit - corrected a double negative.
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You were guessing then. My family have always been native.
I thought that McGuinness was driven on his particular path by the desire for independence for Ireland, not a religious crusade.
But religion was/is a useful banner under which you can unite your supporters.
Thus religion becomes a pretence (edit: or even a pretext) for a violent crusade and a target for a violent reaction.
Its no wonder your such an ira symphathiser. You lefties are all the same.
If everyone who disagrees with nocon is a "leftie" (and that applies to all those who use the accusation of "you're a leftie") then his political/religious standing can only be in one place on the political/religious spectrum.
How Islamic inventors changed the world

From coffee to cheques and the three-course meal, the Muslim world has given us many innovations that we take for granted in daily life. As a new exhibition opens, Paul Vallely nominates 20 of the most influential-and identifies the men of genius behind them.

Turns out they all are false claims. No surprise there then. :mrgreen:
You're at it again, johnmeliar.
You make wild, sweeping assertions with no hint of where you get your information.
The rules are well recognised, and I have explained them to you before.
You present an argument, and if you wish to use supporting evidence, etc, then you show where the source of your supporting evidence can be found.
Unless, of course, it's your primary research, which I very much doubt, but if it is you must state that.
So assuming your information is from secondary research, include the link to your source(s) so that we can check the accuracy, authenticity and context of your quotes.

Not to do so completely invalidates the quote. It is assumed to be imagined by some twisted mind.

If you normally accept such infomation at face value without checking for accuracy, authenticity, etc, then I have some of Queen Victoria's jewelry that she bequeathed to me. I'm loath to sell it but I need the money. It's a little more expensive than normal because of it's origin.
I thought I'd offer you first refusal. :)
I thought that McGuinness was driven on his particular path by the desire for independence for Ireland, not a religious crusade.
But religion was/is a useful banner under which you can unite your supporters.
Thus religion becomes a pretence (edit: or even a pretext) for a violent crusade and a target for a violent reaction.

If you want to twist it that way........

The IRA's purpose was independence for Ireland, not converting the Prods to RC.
Christianity was just as bad in the past and other non-religious despots have behaved the same.

Thing here is, we don't live in the past. We live in the modern world. Sadly the ROP seems to still live in medieval times. Christianity doesn't seek to "dominate the world" (unlike Islam, if it's followers are to be believed).
that's an interesting point. If I murdered someone yesterday, and you murder someone today, am I morally superior to you?
that's an interesting point. If I murdered someone yesterday, and you murder someone today, am I morally superior to you?

Stupid question but if your quest was to dominate the world with your murderous spree because an ideology instructed you to do so then you are the inferior one.
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