What do they know?

2 Feb 2006
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United Kingdom
Does (slaughtered) meat from a happy animal taste better than meat from a sad animal? What constitutes a sad animal? Do animals really feel happy or sad?

Is there a tangible difference in taste?

Do we really care so long as the food is cheap and tastes good?

Kosha meat, what's that all about?
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Did you mean Kosher ie food prepared according to specific rules. Kosha has somthing to do with sheathes but I'm not sure what.
Kosher is the way it's killed. Which is not very nice. Cows go in a giant barrel with only their head sticking out. This is rotated until the cow is upside down. The cow's throat is slit and it is left to bleed to death. It is not stunned beforehand. All in the name of religion.
Kosher is meat slaughtered according to the jewish faith and their laws. I'm o'fait with the whys and wherefores, but it's the very personal and hands-on way in which the animal is killed, i find disturbing and fascinating.

It has to be said though, that the Rabbi does keep his neck slitting knife very sharp/keen. :eek:
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You will be surprised to know that Jews treat animals better than any westernised culture/peoples/civilisation.
Needless to say, where religion comes before animal welfare, the muslims would be in there....
You will be surprised to know that Jews treat animals better than any westernised culture/peoples/civilisation.
Apart from at the moment of death.

I don't eat meat (can't you tell ;) ) so my conscience is clear regarding our treatment of them. Which I also think is bad, just not quite as bad as Halal/Kosher methods.
It is the Jewish belief that an animal shall be killed as quickly and painlessly as possible. "The process is performed with a perfectly sharp knife, is painless and renders the beast unconscious in two seconds".
What is better - to treat an animal badly for most of its life then give it a terrifying death or do it the Jewish way.........?

What do you say Shy...?
It is the Jewish belief that an animal shall be killed as quickly and painlessly as possible. "The process is performed with a perfectly sharp knife, is painless and renders the beast unconscious in two seconds".

Do you really believe everything you read on the Internet? Especially when you take the quote from a site with vested interest.
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