new feature?

16 Feb 2007
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West Midlands
United Kingdom
I noticed today that there is a new feature on topics..
the "bookmark" clicky now includes a menu to watch it on twitter and so on..

is this new or have i just been fortunate to not mouse over it before... ever?
or is it some spyware / addware that i've picked up somewhere?
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Any instruction about what its for and how to use it.
And why does it only show half a button?

Any instruction about what its for and how to use it.
And why does it only show half a button?

Hover and it gets bigger. Theres "..." in one corner, indicating theres more if you hover or click it. Clearly showing the whole lot all the time would be bothersome.
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Hover and it gets bigger. Theres "..." in one corner, indicating theres more if you hover or click it.
No it doesn't, Steve.

But when we open that page up what the hell are we supposed to do with it?
Hover and it gets bigger. Theres "..." in one corner, indicating theres more if you hover or click it.
No it doesn't, Steve.

But when we open that page up what the hell are we supposed to do with it?
Theres all sorts of cool things in it. You can share pages on facebook, twitter and other online communities. You can print. Theres an option to convert pages to PDF format and save them (though it cuts off the RHS of the page).

IMO a very useful tool. Though there are other more pressing issues on the forum that could do with resolving.
You can share pages on facebook, twitter and other online communities.
Thanks, but no thanks. I don't 'DO' any of those.

You can print.
I can already do that.

Theres an option to convert pages to PDF format and save them (though it cuts off the RHS of the page).
What happens if you need the bit on the right? Not much use then, this Web2PDF site.

As Steve has said, it allows the bookmarking, sharing, printing, emailing of the page should you so wish. This includes the 'own browser' bookmark/favourites and the DIYnot bookmarks (which was the only option available before and is the link that has been replaced with the new 'button').
Well... don't use it then :confused:

If you had read my first post you would have understood that I asked if there were:
"Any instruction about what its for and how to use it.
And why does it only show half a button?"

Having had it explained I simply pointed out that I don't use those features, so it was no use to me.

I don't need some dumbo telling me the obvious that I don't need to use them.

Thanks for nothing.

You could use your skills and tell WDIK not to use the B&Q Voucher in this thread too:
I don't need some dumbo telling me the obvious that I don't need to use them.

Name calling already. Leg-end ;)


A new feature has been implemented. You asked what it was for so Steve summarised it. Steve didn't say that it's for dave.m.

To me, your post came across very negative as if to mean...

"You've just explained all the benefits of this feature but I don't need it and do not really care."

If you don't care, then why question it (e.g. What happens if you need the bit on the right?).
I have to say that the DIV popup when your mouse floats over the bookmark link is annoying to me.

I would prefer a delayed mouseover, or TBH even a clickable popup.
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