Proof Of No Claims Bonus Motor Insurance

21 Jan 2007
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United Kingdom
How do you prove you've not claimed on a motor insurance policy for 21 years when your current insurance renewal sheet only states you have 7 years no claims discount?. Other than contacting all of my previous insurance companies I don't see a way.

If I can prove 21 years the new policy is around £30 cheaper than having 7 years before anyone tells me there is no advantage in having more than six.

Anyone else come up against this anomaly. Its only come about after using Moneysupermarket and the site asking me how many years no claims I had. I enter 21 years (foolishly) only to find out that my preferred ins company expect proof. That's fair enough I suppose but who can prove they have that much. What do other peoples renewals say?
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you ask your existing/last insurer for evidence of your no claims bonus, they are legally obliged to provide it.
you ask your existing/last insurer for evidence of your no claims bonus, they are legally obliged to provide it.
But they have me listed as having 7 years. Why are they gonna have proof of my last 21 years motoring history? Historically at renewal time I don't ever recall being asked if I had more than about 6 years, I always thought (until now) that you got to about 6 years and any more than that and I didn't think you got a discount.
I think its a bit of a con by the insurance companys because they know that there would be very few people if any who could provide evidence of 21yrs no claims,as far has I can see the only way to have 21yrs no claims would be to remain with the same company for that length of time and who in this day and age does that?I change companys every year and the max that any one of them will give is 7yrs no claims,even with 35yrs driving without a claim.
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you ask your existing/last insurer for evidence of your no claims bonus, they are legally obliged to provide it.
But they have me listed as having 7 years. Why are they gonna have proof of my last 21 years motoring history? Historically at renewal time I don't ever recall being asked if I had more than about 6 years, I always thought (until now) that you got to about 6 years and any more than that and I didn't think you got a discount.

well that doesnt make sense, because they would have asked you the same question when you started with them 7 years ago. Id ring them up and ask them what there playing at.

If i ask my insurers i have 12 years NCB.
well that doesnt make sense, because they would have asked you the same question when you started with them 7 years ago. Id ring them up and ask them what there playing at.

If i ask my insurers i have 12 years NCB.
I cannot recall ever being asked if I had more than around 6 years, I have certainly never been asked if I had 20 odd years. It doesn't make sense unless as oompah says you would only have that proof if you stayed with the same company for 21 years or if bonus automatically totted up year on year.
some insurance companies only recognise upto a certain number of years as max no-claims.... i think it's a huge con... your insurance premium, each year, should go..

£500, £500, £500, £500, £400, £400, £400, £400, £200, £200, £100, £50, £10, £1, £1, £1, £1, £1, £1, £1, £1, £1, £1, £1, £1, £1, £1, £1, £1, £1, £1, £1, £1, £1, £1, £1, £1, £1, £1,

I've never claimed in 30 years... so certainly paid my dues!!
I think its 5yrs to get to maximum no claims,i pay a little extra to protect it as well.
I think its 5yrs to get to maximum no claims,i pay a little extra to protect it as well.

Ahh, thats what you thought as did I. But potentially you'll get a bigger discount the longer you're claim free if you can prove it.
I think its 5yrs to get to maximum no claims,i pay a little extra to protect it as well.

not really, it depends on your insurer, it varies... but what does it mean anyway? In essence, it means this driver hasn't claimed in the last couple of years, so they're not a weekly/monthly accident magnet... but further than that it means nothing... you don't get any benefit whatsoever for not claiming for the entirety of your driving career....

It's all about the insurers covering their asses and not rewarding safe drivers at all...
you don't get any benefit whatsoever for not claiming for the entirety of your driving career
It would appear though that at least some company's will give a discount for more NCB than the (seemingly) normal 6 or thereabouts which is the point of the thread I suppose. Its very hard to prove so seems a daft discount to offer?
you don't get any benefit whatsoever for not claiming for the entirety of your driving career
It would appear though that at least some company's will give a discount for more NCB than the (seemingly) normal 6 or thereabouts which is the point of the thread I suppose. Its very hard to prove so seems a daft discount to offer?

they can give 6, 7, 8, 9 years no claims discount, but that doesn't reflect the fact that i have paid insurance every month (£200+?) for 25-30 years!!!!!!! and even if they did give larger discounts, their premiums would raise to cover it... after all they have their shareholders to please! which is not right for a compulsory purchase!!
Well, yes but this thread wasn't supposed to be a rant about insurance companies and how unfair the system is. I'm just highlighting/discussing a curiosity really.
they can give 6, 7, 8, 9 years no claims discount, but that doesn't reflect the fact that i have paid insurance every month (£200+?) for 25-30 years!!!!!!! and even if they did give larger discounts, their premiums would raise to cover it... after all they have their shareholders to please! which is not right for a compulsory purchase!![/quote]

how come you pay £200 per month for 25yrs, what kind/how many vehicles is that for,
they can give 6, 7, 8, 9 years no claims discount, but that doesn't reflect the fact that i have paid insurance every month (£200+?) for 25-30 years!!!!!!! and even if they did give larger discounts, their premiums would raise to cover it... after all they have their shareholders to please! which is not right for a compulsory purchase!!

how come you pay £200 per month for 25yrs, what kind/how many vehicles is that for,[/quote]

interesting you pick up on that, but my insurance has been for one vehicle used to get me to work and back, and for social and domestic pleasure...
no crimes, no business mileage, no joyriding.... just boring using it limited and legally...
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