Car insurance renewal

30 Dec 2018
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Up North
United Kingdom
I've just received my car insurance renewal for the coming year - £206, up £7 on the present year. It shows 21 years NCB, though I have never, ever had a claim in my life. The renewal site offers a £20 discount available, if you upload your house policy details so they can try to beat the cost for the next renewal, assuming it is via another company, so I've just done that. There is no chance they can possibly beat the £87 per year I pay for that, but £206 minus £20 makes my car insurance £186 - so it's a win, win :)
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We're with LV for one of our cars. Last year, with two of us covered, 2017 Audi A3 black edition, fully comp, two 'incidents' noted, business use and protected NCD we paid £241. This year - £333. Cheeky buggers, I thought, I’ll go elsewhere. Went on to a comparison site and the best price I could get was…..£503. I take back what I said about LV.
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Just a random site I found however they provide an explanation re rising cost of policies.

ALways always phone them and beg. One of their call handlers was surprisingly candid - the longer you give them to work on your quote, the lower it'll go.
They said while I was waiting that it's the same at all call centres, they'd worked for others. I made some sort of admirational noises and they came back with an offer very confident that I wouldn't be able to beat it, and they were right. It was something like a third off. How the hell that can happen I don't know.
It's worked for that last 2-3 years. Direct Line.
Apparently it’s the cost of materials driving up repairs. O/Hs car went up £100. Boy did that cause a drama.
I have 2 cars both gone up by £100, robbing bast*rds
using compare the market and confused ,com and other comparison sites the same quotes from the same companies come up at different prices so always worth checking a few of the sites
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Best tip on insurance renewal is always get quotes at least 14 days in advance. The nearer you get to the start date the more expensive it gets.
Best tip on insurance renewal is always get quotes at least 14 days in advance. The nearer you get to the start date the more expensive it gets.

True, but my broker has always kept the price down, if it does creep up, I ask them to requote it and they always find a slightly cheaper quote. When I've tried comparison sites, they never get near to what I pay.
Would you mind sharing your broker?

We need one. Our multicar policy has only one driver earning NCD on the second car.

Direct Line used to do it where everyone earned NCD, but they stopped; we need to find out if there is anyone who still does.
Thank you. Know of them and have heard good things about them, but not used them before.
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