What is a 'Policy Schedule'

30 Dec 2018
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Up North
United Kingdom
My car insurer are offering a £20 discount, if you send them a copy of your present 'Policy Schedule'. LV do not have a document called a 'Policy schedule', so I uploaded a copy of the only document which is personal to MY house cover. My car insurer has suggested it is not a 'Policy Schedule', this morning I rang LV, and asked them if they could forward a copy of the PS, explaining why I needed it, but even they sounded confused as to what it might be, they do not have a document by that name, but have instead sent me the renewal document, from when I renewed it, which is much less detailed. That I have forwarded to my car insurer.
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I think I've had one with every policy I've had. It should contain the basic details of who you are, what your cover is etc.

If you have a certificate then that may be acceptable. It depends whether it contains enough details or not. It sounds like it's just a matter of proving you have a policy so they can give a discount, so hopefully this will be good enough for them.
policy schedule is basic never not had one, new company are checking to see if it is quoting for the same thing
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