Israel..wouldn't we do the same? part2

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Well going by the title of this thread and the original thread, the point of the thread was lost almost immediately. It quickly became a discussion about Israel V Palestine/ Gaza.
The original question was , Would the UK do the same as the Israeli's did in a similar set of circumstances?
Well there's only one answer needed. That answer is NO. any British Government would not have done the same over here.
End of subject.

Are you sure john? look to our recent past.

Well you certainly can't be referring to the case of the British couple under attack by Somali pirates off the African coast. A British Frigate less than 300yds away, did absolutely nothing.
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The U.k would have done the same e.g stopped the ship , probably would not have killed a load of people , the French they would have done & probably killed aload more !
the solution for conflict in the middle east has already been found, but not implemented..

the father of lateral thinking decided that sending marmite over there would stop the conflict...

his reasoning was thus..

they eat a lot of unlevened bread which is low in zinc.
a lack of zinc in ones diet leads to agressive behaviour.
marmite is rich in zinc.
ergo sending marmite for them to have on their unlevened bread will restore their zinc levels and make them less agressive..
the absence of schizo on this revived thread has been noted.
maybe his association with several other locked and deleted threads has given him the wisdom to shut up before it's too late.
Why don't you just forget about him? He's not all bad just wants to make his point that's all.
Why don't you just forget about him? He's not all bad just wants to make his point that's all.

couldn't agree more, but I will continue to criticise him when he gets abusive and offensive towards other posters for not accepting his point. he can present valid arguments, but never backs down and never concedes when he has been shown to be simply wrong on subjects, so he is a fair target.
couldn't agree more, but I will continue to criticise him when he gets abusive and offensive towards other posters for not accepting his point. he can present valid arguments, but never backs down and never concedes when he has been shown to be simply wrong on subjects, so he is a fair target.
I concur. During the very short time that I've been on here, I've noticed and commented on how he seems to find it acceptable to slip in unnecessary insults. When I've pointed this out to him, I've been the recipient of a curious diatribe. :rolleyes:

He should remember that this is an open site, visible to all. It is not a members only club.
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