Beck's Blue

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
Was in Hants last weekend. Forgot to look up JohnD...sorry!

Went to the Coop in Alresford for some Beck's Blue.

Bought some other stuff at the same time. The girl stopped putting stuff through the checkout and I thought she had missed the Beck's.

I pointed it out to her and she said sorry, I have to wait for my colleague to oversee the transaction.

Even though it is alcohol-free, you cannot buy or sell it if you are <18...

Shaking my head, I left the store and drove to my sister's in Bramdean.

Then when I opened up the pack to pour myself one, I noticed on the cardboard sleeve,


No thanks, I'm gonna get wasted on it... :rolleyes:
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Even though it is alcohol-free, you cannot buy or sell it if you are <18...

Now who do you think you are kidding?

You're a damm sight older than 18!

Indeed, kind sir, verily I am.

Nearly 44 I might add, cad that you are for highlighting my advancing years. ;)

But my point was that it is alcohol-free, yet to buy or sell it you have to be 18 and the manufacturer still puts a "responsible drinking" warning on it...
A lot of teenagers can't read these days so physcologically they would 'think' themselves drunk. :LOL: :LOL:

(Still a bit of a 'youngster' at 44. ;) )

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So you CAN buy Shandy bass, with alcohol in it? But you CAN'T buy alchohol free beer?
Beats me why people want beer without alcohol in it anyway. There are far nicer alcohol free drinks.

Lashings of ginger beer!
Beats me why people want beer without alcohol in it anyway. There are far nicer alcohol free drinks.

Lashings of ginger beer!

I usually have to drink alcohol free beers around Christmas time. (only when I'm driving though. Learned my lesson the hard way :cry: :cry: )
Must admit most of them don't actually taste like what they purport to be.
Alcohol free lager, tastes like washing up water, alcohol free bitter, tastes like water gone wrong. Even alcohol free wine, tastes nothing like Lambrusco Bianco. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
We should sue the manufacturers of these products for false representation.

I remember an out take from a commercial that Lenny Henry made for an alcohol free lager. He said " And the best thing about it is,,,, It contains no Lager at all. "

Just before he starts laughing uncontrollably. ;) ;) ;) ;)
Simon, just to explain from my position as license holder, most supermarkets will apply age restrictions to a department as a whole, rather than individual products. So because the Becks Blue falls under the BWS (beer wine spirit) section, it will carry an age restriction on the EPOS system.

That said, Becks Blue DOES contain alcohol, albeit a very small amount. Its similar to liquer chocolates - these also carry an age restriction, and will have similar warnings on them, though the regulations arent as strict with chocolates as it is with BWS labelling.

Something else is that most sensible managers will avoid employing anyone under 18 to work on checkouts or behind a bar due to the problem you experienced Simon. It slows down your transaction and becomes a morale issue for the member of staff, and their supervisors who have to keep overseeing txn's. Though nobody can be seen to be openly discriminating against people under 18.

If you want anymore licensing info I'll get my big blue book out ;) Though its a few years old now, some rules have probably changed.
Simon, just to explain from my position as license holder, most supermarkets will apply age restrictions to a department as a whole, rather than individual products. So because the Becks Blue falls under the BWS (beer wine spirit) section, it will carry an age restriction on the EPOS system.

That said, Becks Blue DOES contain alcohol, albeit a very small amount. Its similar to liquer chocolates - these also carry an age restriction, and will have similar warnings on them, though the regulations arent as strict with chocolates as it is with BWS labelling.

Something else is that most sensible managers will avoid employing anyone under 18 to work on checkouts or behind a bar due to the problem you experienced Simon. It slows down your transaction and becomes a morale issue for the member of staff, and their supervisors who have to keep overseeing txn's. Though nobody can be seen to be openly discriminating against people under 18.

If you want anymore licensing info I'll get my big blue book out ;) Though its a few years old now, some rules have probably changed.

I'm just looking at a bottle of Becks Blue now, 0.05% abv @ 275ml, surely less than a can of shandy? I'm astonished.
I just can't believe anybody can take something as awful as Becks and make it worse by removing the alcohol :rolleyes:
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