Thermal stores

2 Aug 2010
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United Kingdom
Hi there, I am planning to install a thermal store that will be fed from a wood burner and oil condensing boiler. I understand the pricipals of the system but I see from posts on the forum you have experience of these sorts of systems and wanted to pick you brains.

I want to install a Gledhill RE (350 litre tank has been recommended to me). I don't plan on connecting solar to it yet but I like the idea of it at a later date.

1, When I install the unit will I just blank off the solar coil?
2, Will there be a cold spot at the bottom of the tank during the summer when I am not using the wood burner? (The oil boiler fixings would be above woodburner return / the solar coild at the bottom would be redundant) and would this cause a problem?
3, What are the input / output diameters for the DHW coil?
4, Do I need to intall a heat leak radiator?
5, What diameter pipe would I need to use for the space heating circuit?

Any other advice would be greatfully recieved.
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I am planning to install a thermal store

Ah, commonly known in the trade as 'The Sludge Bucket'. Bet they didn't tell you that where you bought it!!

Thermal stores are not best suited with solar also by the way.
I am planning to install a thermal store

Ah, commonly known in the trade as 'The Sludge Bucket'. Bet they didn't tell you that where you bought it!!

Thermal stores are not best suited with solar also by the way.

please elaborate on your conclusions.

I have been installing for many years and only find poor installs cause "sludge bucket".

As for solar. Think you need to check facts.
Two ears one mouth!
One word ' stratification '!!

Sludge buckets; a mass store of primary water can only accumulate sludge.

Installing the wrong product for years doesn't make it become right with time!!
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I am planning to install a thermal store

Ah, commonly known in the trade as 'The Sludge Bucket'. Bet they didn't tell you that where you bought it!!

Thermal stores are not best suited with solar also by the way.

Not much help...... I was hoping for some more constructive comments.
old gledhill became sludge buckets.

new heatbanks are much better,new designs help with the stratification issues as well as size, shape,internal circuits,gx all overcome the issue of putting solar into one.
old gledhill became sludge buckets.

new heatbanks are much better,new designs help with the stratification issues as well as size, shape,internal circuits,gx all overcome the issue of putting solar into one.

Can you please elaberate on that lcgs? I'd be very interested to see any thermal store/heatbank that can do all that.

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