Muslim / Gypsy burial conflict - The facts

There's no evidence to suggest they were incompetent other than bending over backwards to pacify racist muslims..
Mr Smith’s family say they were warned by Burbage Parish Council that exhumation was one possibility, though the council now denies this was ever discussed.

But a Ministry of Justice spokesman said that without the permission of Mr Smith’s family, no exhumation licence could be granted.

A spokesman confirmed that: “Without the permission of the family, no exhumation could go ahead.” The only exception is when a corner issues a warrant for an exhumation in the course of a criminal investigation

A member of Mr Khan’s family said that the row had been “blown out of proportion”.

What a lod of old tosh. A typicl non-story. I wonder how much the Gypsies were paid to chuck out the "we fear Shadrack will have to be exhumed" lie. It was never talked about. It was never a possibility. Gullible fools.
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Now the gypsies are lieing and the parish councillors telling the truth.

There's no evidence to suggest they were incompetent other than bending over backwards to pacify racist muslims..
Brilliant, nocon. Your islamophobia is so intense that you prefer to defend the Roman Catholic Gypsies. :LOL: :LOL:

Your zealotry has become so intense that you are now defending blatant racist muslims who are the ones that started the problem.
There's no evidence to suggest they were incompetent other than bending over backwards to pacify racist muslims..
Mr Smith’s family say they were warned by Burbage Parish Council that exhumation was one possibility, though the council now denies this was ever discussed.

Well they would, wouldn't they. :rolleyes:
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Chris Grayling, the Justice Secretary, could be dragged into a messy legal battle after a Muslim family demanded that a “non-believer” who was buried next to their relation be exhumed for religious reasons.
The unnamed Muslim family raised objections after an 89-year-old Roman Catholic man was buried in a plot adjacent to their relation.
Shadrack Smith was buried in the multi-denominational Lychgate Lane Cemetery in Burbage, Leicestershire, following his funeral on Jan 30.

Mr Smith’s family were warned by the council four days before his funeral that the owners of the plot adjacent to theirs had complained, but declined to amend their plans. His family paid £2,500 for three plots at the cemetery, including one hand-picked for its position, facing towards Mr Smith’s home, a Romany tradition. Burbage parish council confirmed that the cemetery is unsegregated, adding that: “So that people of all denominations can use Burbage Cemetery, the graveyard ground at Lychgate Lane is unconsecrated.”

The MoJ has said:
MoJ rules state that anyone applying for an exhumation licence will “need to get the signature of any close relatives, the owner of the grave plot and the burial authority”.[/QUOTE]
It does appear to me that the cemetery is/was incompetent. They initially described it as “multi-denominational”
They are now describing it as “non-demoninational”, "unsegregated"
"Burbage Cemetery is a non-denominational, multi-faith facility and requests from all communities living in and around Burbage will be treated equally and fairly in line with our policies and the law.
Have they now realised that they used the wrong terminology?
Have they do what councils normally do when they've cocked-up, fall back on the strict letter of their regulations?
Despite it being clearly apparent that individual choice of plot is now allowed.

The council’s own rules, set out on their website, state that “all grave spaces are allocated in sequence with no opportunity for selection”.
The council said in a statement that the first Muslim burial at the site took place several months ago, and that special arrangements were made for a swift burial, the orientation of the grave towards Mecca and a larger grave plot. Mr Khan's grave was the first in a row of plots that had not until then been allocated.[/QUOTE]

Also, the Telegraph reports:
A member of Mr Khan’s family said that the row had been “blown out of proportion”.
Dr Sheik Howjat Ramzy, Director of the Oxford Islamic Information Centre and an adviser to the Muslim Council of Britain, said: "There is nothing in the Koran which says that you have to be buried separately, there are some traditions that in the time of the Prophet it was good to be separated.
"[Graves] are separated in some Muslim countries but Islamic jurisprudence is different from one country to another and in this country it is allowed."
Moreover, I suspect that Muslim family assumed that section was to be a Muslim section, but they have now agreed that there is no problem and the issue was exagerated.
The gypsies kicked their *****.
The muslims ***** and the councillors. :LOL: :LOL:
Excellent reaction fom nocon and handjack.
Superbly demonstrates not only their islamophobia, but also their total lack of grip on reality and their ludicrous refusal to accept that they were mistaken.
Excellent reaction fom nocon and handjack.
Superbly demonstrates not only their islamophobia, but also their total lack of grip on reality and their ludicrous refusal to accept that they were mistaken.

You've proved nothing as usual other than to demonstrate your usual zealous defence of muslims.

And had you been on the parish council you would have let your zealotry influence decisions that were completely wrong.

And lets not forget that you dismiss activists who help prevent child bride marriages. You are a sick puppy.
It sounds to me that two 'protected minorities' had a difference of opinion and now the council doesn't know whether to stick or twist!
I suppose I might have been hard on handjack over the last week or so.
I really have a lot to thank him for.
Each time he highlights an apparent example of intolerance, and he's proven to be incorrect, he ends up demonstrating that his motivation was rampant islamophobia and he also exposes the other racially offensive posters.

Keep up the good work, handjack.
jockscott";p="3318514 said:
abusive post removed
It's a vey sick puppy who resorts to baseless accusations.

It's obvious that your motivation is purely an attempt to discredit, yet all you've achieved is to demonstrate how low you are prepared to sink in order to further your agenda.

Alternatively, jockscott might be making tentative moves to extend his ******. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
There's gonna be some hastily-formed focus groups at the Council, writing "guidance" off the back of this shower.
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