Low energy bulbs <0.5W

11 Jan 2011
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United Kingdom
I've been looking for a LED night-light for my daughter but the lowest 240v LED bulb with bayonet fitting I managed to find was a festoon bulb at 0.5w, e.g.:
That's cool white instead of warm, and it's too bright!

I could paint it as it runs completely cold, but that would seem a bit.... erm... unethical?

Anyone seen anything lower power, still with bayonet fitting?

Many thanks,
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Lowest I have seen are 0.58W GU10 bulbs which were so dim I now don't use. I remember as a child I had a two way splitter on my light bulb with a 60W in one and a transformer thing in the other which has a 2.4W 6V MES bulb but today these have gone under 0.5W I think looking at battery lamps.

The supplier has not quoted the lumens output, but it will not be much.

Perhaps as much as a fridge light.
My rooms tend to be illuminated quite well with cordless telephones, TV's and chargers all which seem to have red or green LED's to show on charge or on stand by etc. My mothers living room is lit by inferred built into camera really amassing how much the camera can see.
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I remember reading, long ago, a medical study that said children who slept in rooms with a light were more likely to become short-sighted.
I remember reading, long ago, a medical study that said children who slept in rooms with a light were more likely to become short-sighted.

I read the same study, slept with a light on (a 20W tungsten at the time) and am short sighted. I am determined that my kids sleep in the dark - no matter what fuss they make - as a result. I also think some studies have linked poor sleep to LED lights on equipment as well, although don't know if it results in short-sightedness.

The only reason I want a night-light is for the route to the toilet, in the corridor, and I don't want it shining into the room. It's a tricky balance. In the last house this would never have been an issue as the street light outside did for that.
I remember reading, long ago, a medical study that said children who slept in rooms with a light were more likely to become short-sighted.
I remember reading one which said that alcohol was bad for you.
I remember reading, long ago, a medical study that said children who slept in rooms with a light were more likely to become short-sighted.

I remember reading a story that stated those who post medical statements without proof are often short sighted :)
A few years ago I bought an Osram 0.3W LED / 12W CFL B22 combined lamp (switch it on and the LED comes on, switch off and back on a few seconds later and CFL comes on), the CFL is claimed to be warm white, but no claim about LED whiteness. A few months later I saw they were being remaindered so, I assume, it's impossible to buy one now.
Anyhow, I stopped using it a couple of years ago and if you don't mind going to Abingdon when I do one of my (midweek) day trips there, you're welcome to it. Hopefully you can see my details - I've never tried to do this before.

Cheers, Graham

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