United States of Europe by 2025

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She should have been a politician then her behaviour would have been deemed acceptable.

Perhaps but then that doesn't paint our politicians or system of governance or democracy in a great light. If they are a bunch of liars and you can't believe them then why do you vote for them?
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Perhaps but then that doesn't paint our politicians or system of governance or democracy in a great light. If they are a bunch of liars and you can't believe them then why do you vote for them?
Because most of us vote for our local MP, who deals with local issues.
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Speaks volumes that you only describe her as blunt and rude

I can understand where you're coming from, but in my defense, I don't actually follow her that much, so I'm only referring to a few bits that I've seen; so it does seem from your comments, that I haven't seen her in as bad a light as you have. But I have seen OW a sufficient number of times to defend my opinion of him.
I can understand where you're coming from, but in my defense, I don't actually follow her that much, so I'm only referring to a few bits that I've seen; so it does seem from your comments, that I haven't seen her in as bad a light as you have. But I have seen OW a sufficient number of times to defend my opinion of him.
Funny but the opposite is true for me. I have not heard of OW, not seen him in the news or heard of him being accused of lying. Are there any law suits against him? Pending or otherwise?
No, as Kankerot has said, there's no lawsuits against him, and yes, he keeps his nose clean, but every time I see him, it's stuck in the air when he talks, and he so dismissive of anyone that disagrees with him. At times, I get the feeling that although he calls himself a democratic socialist, he's actually more of a communist. He thinks that wealth should be redistributed, and that everyone should only have to work a 4 day week, and he'd drag all the Tories down, yet happily ignore the champagne socialists like Blair and Mandleson.
I have never heard of him, either, but -

He thinks that wealth should be redistributed,
What's wrong with that? Do you agree with the current situation?

and that everyone should only have to work a 4 day week,
What's wrong with that? The poor could have two jobs then.

and he'd drag all the Tories down, yet happily ignore the champagne socialists like Blair and Mandleson.
I don't know what that means.

You seem to be writing some strange things lately, Doggit
He thinks that wealth should be redistributed
that's quite normal. The current government believes in redistributing from the poor to the rich; why shouldn't this fellow also have an opinion on redistribution?
Doggit what do you actually mean by wealth redistribution and then which form of wealth redistribution do you object to?
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