So Mrs Shadow Home Secretary, what do we do with illegal immigrants?

Which bit of 'They just bought into an idea that they were hard done by, and that 'johnny/jane foreigner' were to blame for self inflicted problems' didn't you get?

Why was 'immigration' the main theme of the brexshit campaign?

Throughout history when a populace thinks they are being hard done by they blame 'outsiders' - people with a different culture/belief/skin colour

Well believe it or not the real 'outsiders' nowadays are the corporates - and they are p issing themselves laughing at ignorance such as yours!
Are you Dianne Abbot? You cant seem to answer a question or stick to the brief.

What do you think of Dianne Abbot's inability to state what her and her party's policy is on illegal immigration?
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"No doubt you think that every animal with four legs is a horse"

silly notch like to trot out this tired old fallacy. Unfortunately he pretends to be incapable of comprehending even the level of logic taught to seven-year olds.

No doubt notch thinks that every Brexiteer is stupid enough to believe his nonsense.
no doubt you think every person that voted Brexit is a racist/xenophobe?
We've been through that argument before, and I've spelt out my position precisely.

You on the other hand (as ever) in lieu of a reasoned argument try to deflect the topic away in order to 'disguise' your ignorance...

A very 'softus' touch I might say ;)
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Hooray for politicians that can cope with an interview


Start your own thread.

What's your views on Dianne Abott's inabilty to answer basic questions about her and her party's policy on immigration?
The same sort of thing that means the Woody family who have been here since 49BC need to take their passports with them to prove their Englishness for things such mundane things as going for a job, renting a house, opening an account, everything really. We never had to do none of this as recently as 30 years ago, and its all because of the illegals f'in it up for the legals.

So your claim is based on lineage and how long your ancestors have lived in this land. Great so you must be a pro Palestinian supporter then - as that is there argument as well as the Red Indians of north america.

Englishness? You confusing race with citizenship. Or do you mean that British citizenship should be exclusive for Caucasians?

The problem of illegal immigrants needs resolving but accepting the governments tactics to do it is accepting failure.
We've been through that argument before, and I've spelt out my position precisely.

Have you?

Most of your posts suggest anybody that voted Brexit is a Xenophobic racist.

You also continuously remark that anybody that has a different view to you is stupid, yet you claim tolerance to all :?: is you showing intolerance.
Are you Dianne Abbot? You cant seem to answer a question or stick to the brief.

Interesting that woody's desire to criticise politicians disappears when they're his buddies.
Interesting that woody's desire to criticise politicians disappears when they're his buddies.
WTF are you on about

This thread is about Abbot's interview and her party's policy on illegal immigration.

If you want to discuss other things, start your own thread.

Why do you bother to comment when your comment is not relevant? Normally that's because you have not got anything to say on the subject. All it does is show your ignorance and displays your ineptitude to debate an issue, and I'm sure you would rather not do that.

So do you have a comment related to Abbots interview or not? Or is this going to be another 'benefit/tax avoidance' avoidance ploy?

To be blunt, debate the issue or **** off.
This thread is about Abbot's interview and her party's policy on illegal immigration.

If you wanted it to be about immigration policy (you don't) you wouldn't have written the first post poking fun at politicians' interview technique.

My post is about the same subject.

The only reason you're whining is because it isn't a post aimed at one of your favourite targets.
Which bit of 'They just bought into an idea that they were hard done by, and that 'johnny/jane foreigner' were to blame for self inflicted problems' didn't you get?

Why was 'immigration' the main theme of the brexshit campaign?

Throughout history when a populace thinks they are being hard done by they blame 'outsiders' - people with a different culture/belief/skin colour

Well believe it or not the real 'outsiders' nowadays are the corporates - and they are p issing themselves laughing at ignorance such as yours!
Immigration wasn't the main theme of the Brexit campaign, uncontrolled immigration was more of an issue and it is the corporates you refer to who benefit the most from uncontrolled immigration because it gives them an unlimited source of cheap labour.
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