Jaguar Land Rover Investment in Birmingham

10 Jan 2017
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United Kingdom
Just in the interest of balance and objectiveness...

"Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) is investing hundreds of millions of pounds to build a range of electric vehicles at its Castle Bromwich plant in Birmingham."

"JLR says the move will help secure the jobs of 2,700 workers at the plant."

I've said in several comments on here that the car manufacturing industry goes through peaks and troughs. This is a large offset to the job losses reported earlier in the year.
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Wow even with Brexit uncertainty too :O

Anyway "stooop brexit bollix to it, we're gonna fall off the edge of the planet im telling you." :LOL:

Interesting comment i read with high up votes:

"The EU is creating a political empire through control of trade, it really is as simple as that

It is akin to war but not by military means. If you don't accept the EUs rules then it will do everything in its power to make it difficult for the UK

It is really not so different from Napoleon's Continental System

It really is a power grab from nation states under the guise of democracy
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Slightly off topic but the final sentence perfectly sums it up. Germany and (especially) France have tried to dominate Europe for centuries. While many of the morals of the EU are very admirable, at its heart the true aim is consolidation and control of the European continent.

Anyway... just wanted to share some good news on the UK economy in the face of a largely negative media output.
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"JLR says the move will help secure the jobs of 2,700 workers at the plant."

This is a large offset to the job losses reported earlier in the year.
Could you tell me why you think securing existing jobs is a 'large offset' against those thousands of job losses?

And as regards Brexit...

“We are making this investment because the ongoing Brexit uncertainty has left us with no choice, we had to act, for our employees and our business...
We are committed to the UK as our home and will fight to stay here but we need the right deal...
We will continue to work with government to secure a deal that supports business.”

In other words given a no-deal, a taxpayer paid bribe will be required!
As long as they add the jaaag soundtrack to their electric cars(y)

All electric cars have to make a sound below 12 MPH as from 2020 (i think) The sound has been chosen so that pedestrians can determine the vehicles position amongst other parameters, in others it sounds a bit like an ICE as that is what people are used to.
I changed my job recently and what I now produce is sold all over the world, given the amount of work currently awaiting building I cannot see Brexit affecting our business.
I changed my job recently and what I now produce is sold all over the world, given the amount of work currently awaiting building I cannot see Brexit affecting our business.
It's either stockpiling...

Or mass produced bovine excrement ;)
Could you tell me why you think securing existing jobs is a 'large offset' against those thousands of job losses?

You and your mates have used this same argument with job losses in Germany a while back.
You think what you want Ellal but people in other countries are not going through Brexit like we are, they just need their equipment all the same.
You think what you want Ellal but people in other countries are not going through Brexit like we are, they just need their equipment all the same.

Do you need to import materials to produce your goods or services.

Are the countries your exporting to covered by existing FTA secured under the EU.
Indeed they do...

In fact they're probably looking forward to it...

Because it'll be under their terms!

Firms/manufacturers don't negotiate Tarrifs. Because of tarrifs they may need to drop their price to compete.
Because they have to drop their price us why they will be bang onto the governments.
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