Bexit's not going well.

2 Jul 2019
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United Kingdom
It's all starting to unravel a bit, humiliation in Luxembourg, supreme court hearing against prorogation started today.

We're 'legally' forbidden from leaving the EU without a deal so the EU can offer a deal little better, if at all better than the one they offered Theresa May.

A minority govt and no chance of a general election.

The Europhile elites seem to have us up against the ropes.

It feels just like it did the day before the referendum result, and we all know what happened there.
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the EU can offer a deal

The EU previously agreed a deal with the UK government.

They are now waiting for the UK to make alternative proposals.

The UK has failed to do so.

Buffoon has falsely claimed that negotiations have been making good progress, but since he has made no proposals, nothing is being negotiated.
Buffoon has falsely claimed that negotiations have been making good progress, but since he has made no proposals, nothing is being negotiated.

Or so it's claimed in certain quarters, perhaps the same quarters that organised yesterdays demos in LUX.
Ultimately there will be a general election, and there is one group of people who will not be bullied by the EU, traitorous MP's and political party's unwilling to uphold their wishes.

The Electorate.
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Waiting for the usual knowitalls to finger point, however, i still don't blame our PM for attempting to carry out the democratic vote no matter what.

The supreme court hearing is a success in the remainers and opposition eyes its all about smear, nothing will come of it all apart from 3 days delay.

What is important now is we find a way out, i find it shameful the likes of Corbyn are stifling democracy here, its all about 'choking the chicken' so to speak :D

Let the people decide here, and im not just talking about 'falling into the PMs trap'

Jo Swinson Liberal DEMOCRAT (WTAF) claims to stop Brexit in its tracks. Yeah go remainers all vote Jo :D

If we stay we are EU's biatch about as welcome as a touching cloth fart in a lift, we are already getting government ads telling us things will change on 31oct

Also interested to note today supreme court statement from codger woman 'this hearing has nothing to do with when or how we leave the Eu' no if in there.
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Buffoon. Swinsons latest policy is only relevant if they get into power :LOL:

Failng that they will. Back a referendum :LOL:
Boris is toying with the idea of loosening GB's ties to NI.

Many will welcome the first step to a reunited Ireland.

"EU officials also described a lunch in Luxembourg on Monday between Mr Johnson, Michel Barnier, and Mr Juncker as the moment the “penny dropped” for the prime minister on the complexities involved in replacing the Irish backstop. Mr Johnson was told by his counterparts that the UK’s proposals on allowing Northern Ireland to stick to common EU rules on food and livestock was not a sufficient replacement for the Irish backstop as it would still require customs checks on other types of goods.

“It was clear that Boris was on a learning curve,” said an EU official.

Another described Mr Johnson as “slumping” into his seat over the course of lunch as the reality of the tight negotiating schedule dawned.

A Number 10 official last night rejected the description of the lunch as “nonsense”."
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