Following the Rules (the CV lock down)

17 Aug 2010
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United Kingdom
What do you make of this

providing the folk are local (up to 10 mile away ) are they doing anything wrong? looks like perfect social distancing to me.

We have been doing something very similar. Drive 3 mile up to the forestry and go for a walk there, although there may be half a dozen cars in the car park we will not see anyone when out walking. If we set off from the house we will meet loads of other people out walking, and in places it is a narrow path so no chance of 2 metre space.

For me the walkers in the video need praised as how it should be done.
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The police that is.

These people are clearly keeping their distance from others and the government has said that people can go out for exercise.
They have not set any limit on how far or how long you can go out for, neither have they said that going to remote areas is not allowed.

Filming people that are keeping their distance to others while exercising is however not essential.
You're both missing the point - you should not be driving to take your walk or "do" social distancing. The reason is to reduce the chances of an accident requiring vital services to be taken away to a remote location to treat you / pick up the pieces. Some of these locations take a good while to get to from where the Police/Fire/Ambulance are based.

These people are not doing it the right way. At all.
I can see both sides. There has to be a balance, mental health is a factor too.

Tone of the video is classic plod finger wagging.
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They have not set any limit on how far or how long you can go out for, neither have they said that going to remote areas is not allowed.
Says on the telly just now that they have. "Avoiding all unnecessary travel" includes driving to a beauty spot to go for a walk. What part of "#Stay at home" don’t they understand? Why do they think they are entitled to ignore the instructions that we all have to abide by?
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Tone of the video is classic plod finger wagging.

True. But how do you get the message across to an idiot?

You may comprehend it and find it condescending but those people ignoring the ask / rules are clearly short of a few cells or think they're above the law.
How about - we know it’s hard, we know you want to get out but please avoid driving to beauty spots to get your exercise.

It’s backfired on them based on the comments online.
How about - we know it’s hard, we know you want to get out but please avoid driving to beauty spots to get your exercise.

It’s backfired on them based on the comments online.

Should be "we know it’s hard, we know you want to get out but you are instructed NOT to drive to beauty spots to get your exercise".
How about - we know it’s hard, we know you want to get out but please avoid driving to beauty spots to get your exercise.

It’s backfired on them based on the comments online.

Talking to people like adults clearly doesn't work. The comments prove they're dealing with ****wits, oh and those who never really need an excuse to take a pot shot at the Police.
The way you get someone to do something, is to convince them to think its a good thing to do. Not tell them off. There will be some you will never convince but the majority of these people just need to understand the why.

Its the "do you always drive at night without your headlights on?" vs "Do you realise you haven't switched your headlights on?" How you interact with people leaves a lasting impression. We need people to cooperate not get arsey
I want to go for a walk on our local beach (usually deserted) its about 600 yds away.... but no... damn you tide times!!
Ive been walking my dog from my house every day.

There are loads of great woodland and park walks within a few miles drive -but Im heeding the 'stay at home' advice

The more activity such as driving, the more social interaction there will be: petrol stations, car parks etc
I can see both sides. There has to be a balance, mental health is a factor too.

Tone of the video is classic plod finger wagging.
Sometimes it needs finger wagging to get through to thick people......
I wonder if my car will start, seeing as it has loads of electronic carp on it that is probably draining the battery as we speak.......

Suppose I'll find out in however many months........
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