I'm getting depressed!

15 Apr 2005
Reaction score
United Kingdom
2 days, 2 shoplifting events.

Yesterday, two guys come in, i clock em on camera lifting champagne into their jackets. Oh no you dont. Belts out onto shopfloor where they swiftly head for the exit. On exitting they find a marked up police dog van pulling into the car park, I tell them to come back in, like they have a choice now. They pull out 6 bottles between them, claim they were there all along. Dog man comes in and nicks em both in our office, calls for backup and checks them. Both have previous (both been locked up) and their car (parked over road out of cctv view) is linked to some thefts in Doncaster, S Yorks. Clearly they think going over the border into W Yorkshire means they aint wanted there. :LOL: Nice result anyway. They had £90 of stock in their jackets.

Today, I'm on the evening shift again. 1645, I head onto the shop floor to do a section stock count. A shifty looking bloke with a dark large jacket on is walking up the aisle in front of me towards the exit. I follow him out, though I currently have no reason to suspect him of anything. He leaves without purchase. By the time I reach the exit he's nowhere to be seen. Some kids outside tell me he's gone over the road through some bushes. I look over - theres an overspill car park for the school behind the bushes. No cars there. A woman comes running up and gives me a car registration number - she saw the man run over the road and get into the car behind the school, which had two other blokes in it. I go back into the office and playback the last 10 minutes. This bloke must have had about £100 of expensive air fresheners (plugins) on him. He emptied the shelf. I phoned the police and gave them details and the car reg number.

These people must think this is a victimless crime or something. Idiots. We never used to have any trouble like this, being in a village location, but it seems shoplifters nowadays have cars and travel further to do jobs. Probably because of the rise in CCTV in town centres and urban sprawl areas.
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It could be worse - it could be your stock they are nicking. What are their descriptions? We'll look out for them for you.
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I don't think I'd like to smell his 'aerosol' thanx all the same.