Selfish driver.

2 Feb 2006
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United Kingdom
I was driving behind a car approaching some speed bumps. There was a car parked on our side of the road directly adjacent to the speed bumps.

The car in front of me starts to move out to tackle the parked car, but there is a car coming the other way. No worries, there is loads of room for all three vehicles.

Only, the car coming the other way decides he would like to tackle the speed bump at speed so he positions the car so that he hits the bump central but leaves no room for us to pass.

The car mirrors collide with a bit of damage to each of the mirrors, then an argument ensues betwixt the two motorists.

I was speechless at this guys arrogance and selfishness. I had to leave them to it as i had the sprogs with me, but offered to be a witness.

I'm not sure if it is down to common courtesy but i guess the oncoming speeder was in the right to dominate his own carriageway?
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Which car breached the white lines?

Interesting question. I guess if i had to be honest i would say the driver passing the parked car.

However it may even be that both cars were positioned so that their mirrors were central to the white lines.......maybe.:cool:
he may have legaly had the right off way butt

assuming he is driving within the i assume 30 limit
and you where positioned in your overtaking position on the road at least 6 seconds before you hit then he has deliberatly crashed into you as an obstruction
as he can see your predicament and hasnt taken avoiding action as in go further over or stop

just my opinion though ;)
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Let me guess - he was driving either a BMW, Merc, big Vauxhall or any of the f*ckwit 4x4s tha abound on our roads. :evil:
Which car breached the white lines?

I guess if i had to be honest i would say the driver passing the parked car.

That would mean one could equally well reason that the driver going past the parked car was a fool for moving on the wrong side of the road when it was not free.

A lot of people seem to think that whoever gets onto a narrow stretch first, has right of way. I had a member of the blue-rinse-brigade telling me that I was very rude for not getting out of her way; she fell rather quiet when I asked her if she thought it was polite to aim for a head on collision on the wrong side of the road. :rolleyes:
In africa, the rule is that the biggest camel goes first.
The situation was, that there was ample room for all three vehicles astride of each other.

It almost seemed as though, the driver of the oncoming car (vw golf) with a clear carriageway, was deliberately exercising his right to use the full width of his lane and arrogantly refusing to give.

These days, people would rather speed up and drive at you rather than allow you time to gain speed, when entering say a busy road or island.
Bottom line here is that, unless matey-boy doing the overtaking of the parked car happened to be stationary at the time the prat hit him, he was at fault if he had crossed the white line.

At times like these you want to be driving a hire car or works leased van :evil:

This exact situation happened to me whilst I was driving to a match.

Steriotypical Golf GTI with a couple of chavs in it who 'owned' the road so to speak.

:p :LOL: :D

By rights the person who has the obstacle on their side of the road should give way. However, if there is room for both vehicles to pass safely then neither need give way but both should proceed with due care and attention.

With regards to speed bumps, are you aware that even if there is no signage stating so then the speed limit is reduced to 20mph. A lot of people think it is still 30mph because they haven't seen a sign saying anything else so if the oncoming car speeded up then they were breaking the law. (But try proving it).
Guy coming the otherway may know the exact layout of the humps and know that if he doesnt gauge it right he might rip something of bottom of his car.
(vw golf)
Say no more. Never seen one driven sensibly.

Those speed bump "square"s where you can straddle them with your wheels are a nightmare - theres a place nearby that has them 3 wide, with only about 8 inches between them. If a car is parked over one, that leaves 2 to straddle, and clearly with only 8 inches between them only one car can straddle them at a time. But people forget - you can actually drive your car OVER them! :rolleyes:

conny, not wishing to pick a fight, but can you point out where you read that the limit is only 20 where there are speed humps?
I don't want a fight either. :LOL: :LOL:

Was told by a copper who followed me down my daughters road.
I was doing about 25mph and when I stopped to go in to my daughters he asked did I realise that where ever there are 'traffic calming measures' such as speed humps, chicanes etc the speed limit is 20mph.
I said I didn't as I had never read anything to that effect and he said well really its just common sense that they are there to reduce your speed.
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