How about a face and a name to your user name?

Strange. Not a peep from the fantastic four. Still, I suppose we shouldn’t really expect any of those to break cover - a key requirement for a true keyboard warrior has always been complete anonymity. :LOL:

Agree 100%, it is essential for trolls and keyboard warriors to remain totally anonymous.
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Gina Miller is actually very nice, agree or disagree with her as you might; that bloke is a total plonker however. The BBC have obviously chosen an extreme, foul mouthed type as an example of those in opposition to her.
As opposed to the touchy feely poetic troll that you find everywhere
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Only the fantastic four and their pals could turn a light hearted humorous thread into a dire moan full of hysteria paranoia gloom and doom and twist about civil liberties and life ending because you dare to show your face.
Talking of nutters out there, what I don't get are reports of NHS staff being abused in person and online. I mean, come on people, don't be such ars eholes...
Talking of nutters out there, what I don't get are reports of NHS staff being abused in person and online. I mean, come on people, don't be such ars eholes...
Indeed....If one action defines stupid...It is attacking a medic who is trying to fix you .
Only the fantastic four and their pals could turn a light hearted humorous thread into a dire moan full of hysteria paranoia gloom and doom and twist about civil liberties and life ending because you dare to show your face.
oh really?

the ones complaining are Moaning Mottie and silly filly
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