Black Lives Matter Protests Today in UK

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The thousands gathering in protest are honouring a known criminal, who had been in jail several times, one of the offences being holding a lone woman at gunpoint in her own house while he ransacked the place for valuables
If he has been in jail he has paid his debt to society.

what abot this:
"Cop charged over ‘murder’ of George Floyd was hired despite having a criminal record and slew of traffic violations"
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'Execution' is a specific term. We won't know the full details until the trial is heard.
The trial that is coming in no small part because of the protests. The protests are in part because it's so hard for anyone to be held accountable for these extra judicial killings.

A police officer crushed him to death, that's already known from the autopsy and the video of him doing it. It's going to take a pretty impressive excuse for that.
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So they doing these protests in the middle of the covid pandemic, where it has been proven that it affects the BAME community the most.......

Also those of us who have been sticking to the rules for the past 3 months, waiting to see and hug loved ones, those whom have lost their jobs and struggling to get by, are now going to have to wait even longer and brace ourselves for an even longer period of the pandemic, more jobs and business gone in the struggle, the country in further crippling debt, the poor communities hit even harder, likely a second wave of the pandemic.

Yep well done ....

I'm struggling to support it..

Flame me if you what.
So they doing these protests in the middle of the covid pandemic, where it has been proven that it affects the BAME community the most.......

Also those of us who have been sticking to the rules for the past 3 months, waiting to see and hug loved ones, those whom have lost their jobs and struggling to get by, are now going to have to wait even longer and brace ourselves for an even longer period of the pandemic, more jobs and business gone in the struggle, the country in further crippling debt, the poor communities hit even harder, likely a second wave of the pandemic.

Yep well done ....

I'm struggling to support it..

Flame me if you what.
I don't think it's a good time either. But I'm not one of the people who are at higher risk from police violence so my viewpoint is different.

The people protesting are using their legal right to protest, I may not agree with it but i support their right to do it.

Lockdown is optional at this point, let's not pretend otherwise.
I don't think it's a good time either. But I'm not one of the people who are at higher risk from police violence so my viewpoint is different.

The people protesting are using their legal right to protest, I may not agree with it but i support their right to do it.

Lockdown is optional at this point, let's not pretend otherwise.

Agree with you completely.

The lockdown thing is a tricky one at the moment as you've had the Cummings fiasco and now these protests and frankly have no idea what we supposed to be doing. My brother's a cop he says there a bit confused as to what's right and wrong at the moment regards covid
are now going to have to wait even longer and brace ourselves for an even longer period of the pandemic, more jobs and business gone in the struggle

that ship has long since sailed, we cant start putting all the blame on these protests

Boris Johnson told Italy's prime minister the UK had been aiming for coronavirus herd immunity, new documentary reveals
that ship has long since sailed, we cant start putting all the blame on these protests

Boris Johnson told Italy's prime minister the UK had been aiming for coronavirus herd immunity, new documentary reveals

I'm not entirely sure what your point is here. We knew hers immunity was the first phase, then they realised that wouldn't work, and so went the lockdown route.

The fact still remains the ones protesting are the ones that are most likely to die from catching it.

They will be mostly responsible for the 2nd wave, and all their protesting will have done is cause themselves even more pain and anguish.
I may not agree with it but i support their right to do it.
But they don’t have a right at the current time, do they? The guidelines are no more than 6 people from one household, two metres apart. Selfish, idiotic ****s. I haven’t seen my Grandchlid since March and the longer these ****ing idiots keep ignoring the advice, the longer we'll all have to wait before life can get back to normal.
But they don’t have a right at the current time, do they? The guidelines are no more than 6 people from one household, two metres apart. Selfish, idiotic ****s. I haven’t seen my Grandchlid since March and the longer these ****ing idiots keep ignoring the advice, the longer we'll all have to wait before life can get back to normal.

The next thing will be the Merseyside Derby...

If the results go the right way Liverpool could win the league. There will or could be fighting and partying on the streets around Stanley Park. Just as the R factor has gone above 1 in this area...
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