Yet more money wasted...

23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
On a dodgy contract!

Safety concerns halt use of 50 million NHS masks

"Fifty million face masks bought by the government in April will not be used in the NHS because of safety concerns.

The government says the masks, which use ear-loop fastenings rather than head loops, may not fit tightly enough.

They were bought for healthcare workers from supplier Ayanda Capital as part of a £252m contract"

"It also emerged that the person who originally approached the government about the deal was a government trade adviser who also advises the board of Ayanda."

Under the terms of the 'emergency legislation' we are living under, no tendering is necessary so corruption is an inevitability.

And there is no parliamentary scrutiny!

"It is not clear what will happen now to the 50 million masks."

Handed back to be sold off to a country with lower standards?
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sold to the public.
These are currently available in Asda :)
sold to the public.
These are currently available in Asda :)
Ah, but any claw back clause on the original contract?

Or is it a bogof deal for Ayanda?

And sold to the public who bought them in the first place!

Which is called paying through the nose!
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Reading the link you posted, they were made to the specification required and there is a clawback clause in the contract that has not been activated so sounds like the wrong spec was given out in the first place. That’s not corruption, just good old incompetence.
I wonder if the government trade adviser has now retired to Monaco on his commission?

Or is he hoping to pull off a few more deals?
Reading the link you posted, they were made to the specification required
"Ayanda says"

Of course we will never really know what the original spec was requested ;)

So whether this was corruption or incompetence, it hardly puts the borisconi/cummings government in a good light at a time of crisis!
NHS workers, wear masks to protect themselves.
Under Pandemic conditions, I would agree with you. But normally NHS workers wear them to protect the patient, especially in surgical type operations.
I would suggest even now, it's a two-way concern.
Ananda capital owned by Horlick family.

Registered in Mauritius a tax haven

The Conservative Party is a just brand for organised crime, facilitated by Covid and Brexit.

I did mention this in a post about a week ago.

Before its too late, has anyone got a link they can share where i can buy at cheap, stocks in facemask and hand gel making industries.
A lot of big firms are doing the Covid thing at cost. A lot of other firms are profiteering.
Perhaps if the hospitals weren't still struggling with the crippling PFI payments, they could afford more stuff?
Perhaps if the hospitals weren't still struggling with the crippling PFI payments, they could afford more stuff?
Lots of Tory MPs have their fingers in private healthcare -a nice cash cow for lobby money or contracts for mates

PFI: started by Major, expanded by Blair, continued by Cameron......
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