My Spelling Notch & Noseal

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You must be so proud of yourself that you managed to find a "photo" of the Muslim genocide I was talking about.
Not hate Notch............ just despair at your ignorance. Coward.
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Put your nonsense to bed? Well, I think it's the only option because you're not actually reading/understanding anything I've written, instead having a go throughout. Not interested, thanks. (y)
Yep knew it, i gave you a simple opportunity to clarify one simple statement from you i apparently 'misunderstood', and you instead reverse away casting aspersions in your wake, stay in reverse off you go. When you're ready lets reconvene and lets look again at what you said, until then stop mud flinging or man up when you've lost the plot. I offered to fully apologise which i stand by. (im guessing it's all not important you anymore)
ou must be so proud of yourself that you managed to find a "photo" of the Muslim genocide I was talking about
Your confirmation bias caused you to believe something that wasn't true.

Not proud whatsoever, 1 google search brought up plenty of mainstream media reporting rohingya ethnic cleansing in China, which you tried falsely to claim wasn't being covered........because it suited your narrative, sadly you never checked.
Your confirmation bias caused you to believe something that wasn't true.

Not proud whatsoever, 1 google search brought up plenty of mainstream media reporting rohingya ethnic cleansing in China, which you tried falsely to claim wasn't being covered........because it suited your narrative, sadly you never checked.

So, for the avoidance of doubt, you did have to Google search it?
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Your confirmation bias caused you to believe something that wasn't true.

Not proud whatsoever, 1 google search brought up plenty of mainstream media reporting rohingya ethnic cleansing in China, which you tried falsely to claim wasn't being covered........because it suited your narrative, sadly you never checked.
You need to do some checking yourself Notchy.
You are getting your Rohingas mixed up with your Uighurs.
The Rohingas are not in China ,they are in Burma.
The Rohingas genocide was last year and as most people have a short attention span the media always has a brand new "genocide" for those who like to get all sanctimonious and outraged about people's and places they know nothing about.
Hello All

Sorry for the using the cheap Cancer Card. It was just the moment, I was into the 2nd day of my treatment and Tuesdays are the worst of the 3 days. Im crap at feeling shjt. This round is over apart from the drugs I still have to take and maybe some side affects. But so far Im not not feeling bad.
I should never have brought it up.

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As you reply, do you not have a spell checker, this will correct 95% of your spelling.

My spell checker is OK, but it's the American version.

Ignore the idiot grammer police, who will notice my deliberate miss spelling of Grammar.

I do but I can see it scratching its head trying to fathom out what Im trying to say. You want to see my hand writing it of an 8 year old, I know this as my eight years olds writing is better than mine.
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Bodd, I've also pulled you up on it and pointed (kindly) that you must have spell checker on your phone or computer and you got cross with me! Bad spelling isn't a disability and can always always always be improved if you wish and have the desire.

Will keep fingers crossed your chemo goes well and wish you a speedy successful recovery. Perhaps it would be better to keep away from here and any negativity and surround yourself with the love and support of your family? You can't change what other people do, can only change yourself.

Hugs to you.

I know you have and you can be a bit of a Cow, but we where having a bit of a spat at the same time.
Lots have pulled me up on my Spelling/grammar, even the right sided thinkers. But Ill try to explain better this time to Notch better than I have why its him Ive picked on. He's not a bad man.

It is a disability, Ive googled it, and google knows.
Every day I write out an Estimates/Quotes or a report its a task. That trying to win work by looking professional is most important.
My replies on here are a task where I do try to pick the right words as spell check does struggle with me. Everything I do in relation to poor education takes up far more time than it should.
If it were not for computers and phones I would never have got to where I am now. No hefty heights but Im a better man for having them.

I have done evening classes for English, Maths & French. Working up London at the time I was too exhausted to carry on. Once all this is over I may look into it again. I don't do London anymore and generally have more time and energy. (Yoga)

I don't do DIY on my phone since I got a new one a couple of months back. Its only on computer now and because of my treatment I have heaps of time. The spelling is easier to correct.
Im not a negative person (most of the time) but this site can suck you in and spit you out sometimes hence why i took the opportunity to give it a rest when I got my new phone.

Thank you for the Hugs. x
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As a dyslexic, much of the story rings home. As long as you can be understood it doesn't matter. For some people (normally those a bit on the spectrum) it is vital that grammar and spelling etc are perfect, they often can't see beyond the mistakes. We have to make allowances for them also.

Ive never put a name to it. My biggest problem was myself; My dad would say so to me constantly to focus and try to concentrate. My mum didn't help, she thought i was an angel and would go up the school and tell the teachers off for victimising me.
I was never a horrible student I just wanted to make people laugh. The teachers did try and I have apologised to any I have seen since my school days.

Im blessed with two little girls who love learning and love school. The younger is like me, wants to make others laugh and is full of love. Its a good mix.
Bodd is a mystery...

Sometimes he spells well and other times not...

I guess it depends on which head he chooses to wear at any given time ;)

I suppose thats if Im in a rush or Ive got time. Now Ive ditched the phone Im sure it will improve.
To be fair auto correct on phones is pretty crap.

The amount of times I write without checking what the auto correct has written.

This can really make a difference, this is most likely why most of the time your spelling appears correct.

I plan projects and send a lot of emails and write technical reports and I'm amazed at the amount of mistakes that happen from miss typed keys etc.

The mistakes for me aren't because of miss spent youth or dyslexia but because I am rushing.

Hell the amount of newspaper articles I've seen with bad grammar and spelling mistakes is unreal these days standards have definitely slipped.

My point being everyone makes mistakes some more so than others, those that feel the need to mock or point it out just have a superiority complex or as someone else said maybe they are on the spectrum ...

Best thing to do is ignore them, you need to remember that almost no one on here knows who each other is on a personal level and most don't know what others are going through on a personal level. They make there mind up on who you are based on a handful of posts.

Chin up and good luck with the chemo

Thats a very good true post.
Keep your chin up Bodd, good luck with the Chemo too, I sincerely hope you are back to full health as soon as possible.
As for spelling, SMS messages in particular, when I was courting the wife, I sent her a message that was supposed to be a saucy one, off of my trusty Nokia brick. I didn't notice the auto correction it had made so the message read "I want to kick your Aunt", needless to say that is not what I intended to say to her!

So funny...
I cant remember the text too well: I sent a one to a customer that said kill in the sentence. It didn't look good but I quickly explained.
Hark at the hypocrite! My my, how you and others squealed when I used to label you like that because you wouldn't even confirm whether you were a man or a woman. I think we all know enough about Bodd to know he's a bloke. A plumber from Harlow in Essex, in his fifties with three girls and a dog called Lilly. He isn’t a complete spineless mystery person like a couple of the trolls on here, you being one of them.

I do say on my personal notes that I'm Female and have given myself a few years. I may have few more kids out there also.
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