Do you have any regrets?

16 Sep 2006
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United Kingdom
As the song goes, I suppose I have a few, although nothing major. I try my best not to look back, hindsight's always 20/20 vision etc, however depending on your nature always looking forward isn't easy 24/7.

One thing I kind of regret was a job interview I went for at a university around 18 years ago. It was for a super-computer project the university was involved in. The job itself was quite low level. It would have entailed assisting with deconstructing the computer then reconstructing and doing basic component testing. I never thought I'd get offered it (the interview panel of around 8 people included some VERY intelligent and senior bods) and when I walked out I recall thinking 'I've got literally NO chance!' not least because I seemed to answer with 'sorry I'm not sure' for quite a few questions :)

Long story short I got offered it, must have been the best of a bad bunch! The main reason I regret not taking the job is a) the doors it might have opened in the IT industry for me and b) the fact it was a minimum of 6 months in the USA, New York if I recall correctly. My life could have gone down a completely different path!

Anyways I was too much of a home bird so declined the job offer. I don't regret it massively, as I say I was and remain a home bird, however I do sometimes wonder 'what if ...'

So, have you had any regrets and if so, what? Try to keep it at least semi-sensible ;)
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plenty things I wouldn't do again as they didn't work out well, but that's life, if you don't try you will never know. I'm retired and happy so I guess more things must have worked out on the plus side.
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Whilst an airman in Hampshire, buying a house at home in Wales for £19k, because a house in Farnham for £22k was, well, far too much! You can work out the rest lol.

Mind you the one I did buy was a fabulous house, about 2800 sqft over three floors. We loved it.
Yeah, too many to count! But the way I see it, if you did the different thing, then you wouldn't be you, and if you weren't you, who would you be?
I have the viewpoint that if things had gone differently, I wouldn't have met Mrs Secure and would not have my three wonderful boys.
However, I still regret some things I have done and others I have not.
I don't regret a single thing of my life so far, well maybe one thing. 12 years in the army and I got out just at the right time. 20 odd years as a civil servant and the rest as a retired person with a fantastic pension, redundancy payment etc. I do not in any way shape or form regret voting for Brexit in fact I am extremely proud to have been one person who got us out from that pile of corrupt cr@p. I do regret voting for the bunch of shisters that are now running this country although if bozo hadn't been prime minister I doubt we would have come out of the EU at all. As it is we have "come out" on a hugely reduced package and I am not at all sure that we wont still be governed by the foreign government overseas. At least in a clandestine way. In that respect bozo failed dismally. Now what we need to do is put a stop to this "devolution" rubbish and get back to being GREAT Britain.
I have the viewpoint that if things had gone differently, I wouldn't have met Mrs Secure and would not have my three wonderful boys.
However, I still regret some things I have done and others I have not.
Missed out on working on a film set because of being unable to extend a visa.
However if I had I wouldn't have met my partner...

Life is not a practice run. You only get one chance.
As for regrets, they are usually just 'f uck ups' that you get to laugh about later... 'Do you remember when'?

Flogin a cobra car I built

Not buying a lotus elan for 500 squid

not buying

A 1938 model x matchless for 700 squid

A dbd gold star for 1500 squid

Selling a weslske powered Norton to some bloke in Sweden for 2 grand

Hindsight :)
There are lots of thing I could have done or handled much better, with the benefit of hindsight, but none of us can see or predict the future - so all the best of us can do is make our decision and put out best effort behind it.

Things have turned out generally well, I want for nothing and I've ended up pretty comfortable in my own skin.
Hindsight is a wonderful thing, but without making the mistakes and going through the trials and tribulations we have been through, we would not be who or where we are today. Yes, with hindsight, there are things I sometimes wish I had done differently or maybe chosen a different path but I didn't and regretting them will not change them or me.
I am 'fortunate' in that my life, on the whole, has been a pretty good and steady one. I am happy, not wealthy, but quite healthy and I have a loving, (second), wife who I would lay my life on the line for. It is her who has taught me what the valuable things in life are and they are not material objects.
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