Vaccine questions - Is the vaccine definitely as safe as the other vaccines?

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Even the bozos on here can understand that but the public has been fed rubbish by the News Media and so can't properly assess things anymore so they just play to their emotions. Wrap the AZ vaccine in the Union Flag? :unsure:
That's a really interesting analysis, thanks.

The fun bit is that it assumes a case rate of 20 per 100,000 which is half our current case rate. So right now even for the 20-29 group would benefit more in the UK by having the jab.
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Yeah. I don’t think G reads the small print.
Barnsley is over 100 cases per 100000 currently but hey, let’s not burst his bubble.
Yeah, let’s not let facts get in the way of a U.K. knocking post.
I just copied the article that you copied.
You aren’t really grasping the fact that the article you copied was regarding air travel & stated generally 1 in a 1000.
Why accuse me of lying? You need to see someone, maybe the lockdown has had a negative affect that you’re not dealing with very well.
Have you considered the Samaritans? It helps to talk to someone instead of being unpleasant to others from behind a keyboard.
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Yeah, those trolls aren’t the bravest in the real world.......
Didn't know that some failed

Yes indeed. Both the French ones were useless and had to be abandoned. That's one of the reasons why the little worm Macron is so bitter and twisted.
I don’t think there is evidence that other vaccines have a lower risk of AEs. The AZ vaccine has a hell of a lot more data than some of the new vaccines coming out.

There is an argument that once the risk of serious illness from Covid is quite low, the benefit of the jab (which will always have risk) is questionable. It’s possible that long term vaccination will come with an increase in cancer risk.
Not on medical matters but given the choice I’d take the medical advice of an expert with real experience and credentials over a mystery person on a DIY forum.

Anyway, how’s the schoolboy changing of names going John? Still sniggering over your hilarious renaming of Chris Whitty to <snigger> Chris Titty? Oh what a sense of humour you have. Not unlike Lally’s renaming of politicians. 'Borisconi' is her current word of the moment. Hey, you two should get together and have a naming session, I bet you’ll have a right laugh.

Edit: In line with current trends, we could call you two 'Jellal'. See, you’ve got me at it now!
So you watch kiddies tv on your own,you proceed to break lockdown rules (even though your a staunch believer in all things Covid) to meet family in a kiddies park,you go on a thread regarding a supermarket to mention a child exposing themselves and urinating or something.
You then mention about doing it over a parent and know you mention schoolboys.
Wtf is wrong with you.
That’s a very unhealthy obsession you have.
Yes indeed. Both the French ones were useless and had to be abandoned. That's one of the reasons why the little worm Macron is so bitter and twisted.
The three biggest that didn't work out:
Merck - American
Sanofi - French
GSK - British

It looks like jeds has joined the trolls.
But it's good to see so many taking a renewed interest in French politics.
Maybe their ambition is to see Marine le Pen elected and a move to the right for European politics.
So Macron becomes the new bogeyman after Corbyn., in order to divert attention away from BJ's abysmal failures.
The only one brain washed John is YOU and by all the conspiracy theories. The other >93% of us are much more sensible, value our lives and our health and have the jab.

If I were one of the ones, like you, who had made a decision not to have it - then the very last thing I would be doing would be shouting that fact from the rooftops. Rather than that, you are on here trying to convince others not to have the jab, which might well cost them their lives or possibly their future health.
What other events do I not believe in for you to call me a conspiracy theorist?
Just because I don’t believe the severity of Covid that doesn’t make me a conspiracy theorist.
I suggest you research what a conspiracy theorist actually is.
Do you believe every event in history to a tee then?
If not then does that make you a conspiracy theorist?
Also where have I tried to convince others not to have a jab?
All I’ve said is I’m not having it.
Your getting nearly as bad as notch for saying I’ve said something when I havnt.
All I’ve said is I’m not having it.
Your getting nearly as bad as notch for saying I’ve said something when I havnt.

You only needed to say you personally were not having it and have left it at that, but instead you have made a point of repeating it at every possible opportunity as well as repeating your personal theory that we are being lied to about the covid, as well as repeating how dangerous you claim the jab is. It has become a whole life obsession with you, to dissuade others from having the jab - it is fine for you not to have it, but FFS don't try to convince others to join you in taking the same risk.

The conspiracy theories are the ones relayed on social media, which you seem to accept and believe - which suggest that the covid does not exist/ we are being lied to/ the jab is dangerous and etc.. The same nonsensical theories which the gov is spending large sums of money trying to counter. I occasionally dip in to read some of them, but I am bright enough to just laugh them off - unfortunately, the less capable believe and spread these ridiculous conspiracy theories.
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