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In the given classification of male/female allocation, I support inclusivity, not exclusivity.

And that's why you support this convicted rapist


Who identifies as a woman.
What is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. Your claim is nonsense.
If you'd read the link I provided, you would see the evidence. Here it is in a fuller quote:

The Sex Spectrum
Yes, even sex is not constrained to a binary!

Intersex people are individuals born with physical sex markers (genitals, hormones, gonads, or chromosomes) that are neither clearly male nor female. The existence of intersex people shows that there are not just two sexes, and the lines between sexes can be blurry.

The sex spectrum is the concept of a continuum of people with sexes ranging from people with typical male physiology to people with typical female physiology.
And there's plenty more:
Sex isn’t binary, and we should stop acting like it is
It’s time for legislation and education to reflect sex as a spectrum with unlimited options
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but you agree that during her trial she should be referred to as "she," and that she should be sent to a woman's prison, don't you? The fact that she has a cock and balls is not an obstacle in your mind. Women prisoners should share accomodation, showers etc with her, right?
but you agree that during her trial she should be referred to as "she," and that she should be sent to a woman's prison, don't you? The fact that she has a cock and balls is not an obstacle in your mind. Women prisoners should share accomodation, showers etc with her, right?
You've shot off straight into the stratosphere with your assumptions, none of which are accurate.
I have no idea of the trial, therefore I have no opinion of it.
As I have no idea of the trial or any arguments, or pleas, I have no opinion of where she/he should be imprisoned or what showers they ought to be using.
So either start a new thread, or calmly raise this issue within this thread, but please do so without absurd assumptions about my opinions on occurrences of which I have no knowledge.
No, I see the assertion.

It is nonsense.
Ignore it if you wish.
Yet the broad scientific consensus now looks different: Sex is a spectrum. If you want to stick with the picture, man and woman are at opposite ends, but there's a lot going on in between.
Genetics: Clearly ambiguous
XX chromosomes = female, XY chromosomes = male. This is how sex is formed, we learn in school. In people with XX chromosomes, a vagina, uterus and ovaries normally form in the womb. In XY, penis and testicles are formed.

Clearly, the sex chromosomes are important, but it's not quite so simple.

For example, there are people whose physical traits are female, but they carry the "male" sex chromosomes XY in their cells, and vice versa.
Blimey you could end up with some bloke self identifying as a woman

having the right to enter a woman’s refuge centre

Blimey you could end up with some bloke self identifying as a woman

having the right to enter a woman’s refuge centre


Or some bloke who can be a WPC

You're doing what you do best, transam, going from a discussion about a transgender athlete competing in the olympics to ranting about transgender people in general.
You always do take every opportunity to exhibit your bigotry.
If a transgender person entered a women's refuge with nefarious intentions, he/she would be rightly subject to the full weight of the law, if they misbehaved.
If they were genuinely self-identifying as a woman, then they might have genuine need of a refuge.
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