Afghanistan -is leaving the right thing?

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To be fair they'll have to be vetted for obvious reasons...

How will that work then? Will they have to apply to the British Embassy & fill out a few forms?

Assuming the Taliban don't cut their heads off or throw them off a tall building in the meantime . . . .
The group in the Afghan society that are going to suffer the most are the women, so I have a some sympathy for any females fleeing, but looking at the images of those getting onto the aircraft and it looks like 90+ percent young males. They are the ones who should be staying and fighting for what they believe instead of running away. They will be bringing their problems and their ideals here

No one fights for their own country anymore. It's so easy to get asylum in the West and then you can become a Western citizen. Who wants to fight and die for their country?
I question why neighbouring countries are not sheltering the Afghan refugees? Pakistan, Iran, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan. The first two are Islamic countries and should be the first to provide assistance.
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Funnily enough, that talk about the many millions turns out to be total crap...

But that's the way with scaremongerers...

"The government will work with international partners and other countries to resettle up to 20,000 Afghan refugees in the UK, Home Secretary Priti Patel has said.
A new scheme will see up to 5,000 Afghans eligible in the first year.
But Ms Patel told the BBC it will "take time" to set up the scheme and "we cannot deliver this on our own".

A mere token amount when compared with the hundreds of thousands of EU nationals who have left since brexit...

And I bet the Afghans will have a far harder working ethic than our indigenous benefit scroungers who won't work!

The EU nationals who left were most likely crooks with criminal records here and they know that they won't ever get a visa.
Afghanistan. If people listened to more factual news they would know that a major political concern is if the Taliban will behave as they have agreed. Then comes pundits. Some state that others theorise, others have an angle. One last night, USA political hawk type - of course they wont, we can't rely on it oh and I have written book about it all. Sometimes people who are interviewed will only agree to it if they can mention a book they have written or similar.

So far they are doing some rather unTaliban things. Political power has it's problems. Time to grow up. They had power, they lost it. They aren't popular and etc. They need to change to become acceptable. On the other hand at some point they might say screw that because no one is going to spend $2 trillion kicking us out again. Then there is their idea of law. No mention at all. It's a bit variable elsewhere. That is or maybe a rather nasty area but it does depend on if they are prepared to changes some aspects. Bit like the greens here in some ways. If they ever got significant power they would find that achieving their ideals isn't as easy as they thought. They have had significant power elsewhere and not made much difference. They had to grow up. I'm not convinced the Taliban will though.

Some people expect more fighting as Afghanistan is that sort of place and always has been. Well they do have an effective army, better armed now as well. Sounds like becoming better armed was anticipated if comments about the speed of take over are considered. A take over seems to have been expected. Politicians will say what ever though so who knows.

The hope has to be that they want in some respects to become part of the modern world, prosperity for their people etc rather than the stone age. The Russians tried for 10 years, no idea why or what they were at and elements in the west helped al-Qaeda even Bin himself. You might say that this has most definitely caused the west problems just as a few pundits pointed out at the time. $2 trillions worth and deaths. Not just western troops but ordinary Afghans as well.
There was some interesting analysis in the US media, that Pakistan basically enabled the Taliban to return. Maybe its deflection, but I don't think Biden realised they would take over so rapidly. Unless the Taliban are very smart and limit their regime to more moderate policy, all the hard work done to give Afghans some freedom will be rapidly undone. Many moderates don't think the Taliban hold back and eventually the US will have to re-think its strategy, if they want to stay leader of the free world.

What was the comment about EU national going back doing in this thread?

The news in this area has a pretty simple explanation behind it. Employers don't want to train or even educate people any more. The would rather bring in people who can just come and do what ever it is. So plenty of jobs about but not enough suitable applicants. Current Tory idea on that seems to be train people to do them which leaves jobs that few people would want - fruit picking for instance seems to be one. Some people tried it recently often stopping rather suddenly as it gave them the back ache etc and wages were questionable.
Whilst I think Biden is seriously incapacitated with a physical/mental health condition, I DO NOT think this situation has come as a surprise to the leadership in the US.

Don't ever think these people are stupid & don't ever think that these things don't go as planned.

The only way the US could have been surprised at what the Taliban do is if they all stayed at home & prayed to Allah quietly !
No one fights for their own country anymore. It's so easy to get asylum in the West and then you can become a Western citizen. Who wants to fight and die for their country?
I question why neighbouring countries are not sheltering the Afghan refugees? Pakistan, Iran, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan. The first two are Islamic countries and should be the first to provide assistance.

Not sure you have the stats to back yourself up.

So are a member of the Army?

Are the Taleban fighting for their country?

I think Pakistan has taken 1.5 million of Afghan refugees and Turkey about 3.6m

Are you on crack?
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