Here come the men in black!

31 Aug 2005
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United Kingdom
Omg omg there's me wanting to be part of the 3 Brexiteers underground movement when we have Sovereign citizens and i can apply for an ID card with them, there you go this the start of the brexit uprising, sign me up if some of the money goes towards fortifying all of our statues with anti flag shaggers defences targeting them with tazer harpoons that charge such buffoons with enough amperes to make them glow with delight before their demise.

Anti-vax protests: ‘Sovereign citizens’ fight UK Covid vaccine rollout

Opposition to Covid vaccinations has come in many forms, but none stranger than the "sovereign citizen" defence.

It uses defunct ancient English law to try to challenge regulations.

Some anti-vaccination protesters outside schools and hospitals have used this to hand out fake legal documents to teachers, parents and health workers.

Others have sought to remove Covid patients from intensive care wards, citing non-existent "common law" empowering them to do so.

They also accuse the government of "vaccine genocide" in videos shared on social media.

Some groups have even held training camps for their members. Images have emerged of black-clad men being coached in "direct action" techniques.

No basis in law
Followers of "sovereign citizen" and "freeman on the land" conspiracy theories wrongly believe they possess the legal power to bring leading politicians, civil servants and scientists before so-called "common law courts".

They allege "crimes" over Covid restrictions and vaccinations, even though such claims have no basis in law.

But that has not deterred a newly-formed group calling itself Alpha Men Assemble, which combines anti-vaccine and sovereign citizen beliefs.

It has been holding training sessions in several UK locations where volunteers prepare for "direct action", such as breaking through police lines, marching formations and sparring.
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So funny. These people are so deluded that they probably really believe that a few hours boxing training is enough to break through a police line.

But while we can laugh, it is a reminder of how easily people are brainwashed into thinking their beliefs and actions are justifiable. If they were doing this training in the middle east, we wouldn't be laughing at them, we'd be demanding they are imprisoned for life.

Some people are bad, others just need help and guidance to get back on the right path.
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But while we can laugh, it is a reminder of how easily people are brainwashed into thinking their beliefs and actions are justifiable.
I was about to give you a thanks, then I re-read what you'd written and, sorry, but I changed my mind.
I thought you'd said, "people are brainwashed into thinking their beliefs are not just a fable."
It uses defunct ancient English law to try to challenge regulations.

LOL I went to an education facility that by law allowed me to wear a sword and had other advantages. Somehow I suspect I'd have problems if I wore a sword.
Is that referring to pro or anti vaxxers ?

I was referring to everybody, actually had in mind terrorists, which is why I said in the Middle East. Didn't know anti-vaxxers were training in the ME?

Both as bad as each other.

I've never seen "pro vaxxers" physically attack NHS workers, or train to fight against the police in the name of vaccinations. So not really as bad, is it?
Saying "get a vaccine, it might save your life" is not really the same as attacking NHS workers.
Both as bad as each other.

Yea, one side agrees with the overwhelming body of science and medical research, while the antivaxxers believe in made up hoaxes and that Trump is still the president.

No difference really.
same as attacking NHS workers.

I've seen video footage of some trying to persuade people in hospital being treated for covid to leave as the treatment is harming them. Worked on one who returned a few days later much worse and promptly died.

Actually that lot in the BBC article also join up with another group that complain about other things as well but in the guise of what they call themselves - common law policemen. One of the things this other lot complain about is social services. One aspect breaking up families by taking children into care. There are other factors as well. One reason social service gets involved is people's behaviour which is why the huge majority of parents never hear from them.
Alpha men assemble :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Been watching to many cartoons

Is that the best they could think of as a name for group, I wonder how long that took them :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

It's old news anyway, it was on C4 news several days ago - they were filmed and interviewed, I was embarrassed for them, load of low IQ's training to defend theselves against the authorities, they need flushing down the toilet, the complete nupties. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Saying "get a vaccine, it might save your life" is not really the same as attacking NHS workers.

They should make a lot more of keep you out of hospital. That is a bit tricky though when controls put in place keep figures to 1/2 what they were last Jan - with a lower proportion of deaths as well. One reason for this is lack of vaccination in some groups however it's not possible to say controls wont be needed.

1/2 shows you how accurate modelling can be. Current problem with counts in hospital is that London is falling but other areas are increasing and maintaining the numbers. There is a rumour that controls will be relaxed next week - A Midland virologists reckons too soon around here.

Much to my amazement Midland News today mentioned ethnic aspects. Not that this is the only problem but it doesn't help.
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