Tracy Connolly

20 Nov 2009
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United Kingdom
The mother of baby P is to be released from jail

she admitted to causing of allowing the death of a 17 month old toddler

apparently she had been allowed out on licence in 2013
But recalled in 2015

baby P had over 50 injuries on his 17 month old body
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I don't believe in hitting a woman but if I ever met her, I'd kick her as hard as I could, right in her ****.
Hopefully, the fat, ugly b1tch will spend the rest of her life looking over her shoulder, just waiting to be attacked (y)
New look , New id, New area. No problem.
Look at venables and the other scumbag.
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Some big talk here about not hitting women then hitting women but I expected no different

What the big boys forget is that they live in my country/UK and people like me follow the rules/law. For the record, I'm not happy with every rule/law but England being a pretty well-balanced, pretty lawful place compared to some is one of the reasons me and my family live here.

I've seen the aftermath of vigilante nastiness/mistakes EG, mistaken identity and an innocent person being targetted.

Those advocating attacking someone by saying you would need to get their braincell into gear and not forget that thankfully England does not have mob rule.

If you are genuinely against some decision made by the courts as per guidance from our gov, rather than bluster here, complain to the gov etc rather than the feeble macho posts here as it is not good nor clever.

FYI, if I ever saw this woman IRL, I'd blame our system for letting her out and not her and the failings of our systems that are there to protect the vulnerable

The parole board have made some mistakes, some of them significant. Having said that it's not a job I'd like. I reckon if you're devious enough, you could pull the wool over anyone's eyes, including 'experts' sitting on parole boards.

We NEED to get more straightforward with some of these so called 'complex' cases.

Found guilty of causing the death of a minor by inflicting significant mental and/or physical abuse? Full life tariff. Next ...
Found guilty of being aware of and complicit in said abuse? 30 year minimum tariff. Next ...

We give perpetrators of certain crimes too much consideration. Will some of these people have come from troubled backgrounds? Yes. Will some of these people have struggles in their current life e.g. low income, maybe long term unemployed etc? Yes. However to me, in certain cases, that shouldn't equate to giving these people a second chance.

The victim doesn't have that luxury. And frequently, those left behind i.e. victims family, never get over it. They have a life sentence of their own.
I don't blame the "parole board" its the gov that makes the lame laws are the clowns I blame and the prized clowns that talk about taking the law into their hands.

You are right re victim/their family again it is the govs fault for being feeble.

For those of you who can read I can highly recommend the book "How Green Was My Valley" by Richard Llewellyn.

Forget the film, the book is very different.

One of the themes throughout the book is justice & how justice is a massive part of any community. One particularly good sub story is when they caught the paedophile & how the preacher deals with it. Read it & tell me what they did is wrong.
For those of you who can read I can highly recommend the book "How Green Was My Valley" by Richard Llewellyn.

Please stop trying to make yourself look like a bigger joke.
If someone could not "read" then it takes less than a brain cell to work out that they would not be able to have
read your foolishness here.

Good afternoon
I don't blame the "parole board" its the gov that makes the lame laws are the clowns I blame and the prized clowns that talk about taking the law into their hands.

You are right re victim/their family again it is the govs fault for being feeble.

I blame the parole board. They are all probably pacifists and cowards. Talking of that.....

I'm a pacifist and a coward
I've said it before, we are a RICH country that p1sses £££ up the wall left right and centre.

Build more prisons, adequately staff them, and lock folk like this up for a LOT longer. And increase the number of whole life tariff sentences where appropriate i.e. killing a minor in cold blood.

Also, sort out all this guff about 'Yes, the accused beat the victim around the head and body with the iron bar approx. 50 times and caused severe physical damage. However, the victim wasn't murdered. Yes, they happened to die 3 weeks later, however it cannot be 100% proved this relates to the severe beating they took 3 weeks earlier.'
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