Another shooting

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How many people do you know sneak a car into a classroom and start killing pupils? If you wanted to kill as many people as possible and you had the choice of a knife or gun, which would you choose? People die from tooth brushes but don't reach for them when going on a mass killing spree.

Stupid argument. Stupid poster. Ban guns - home protection my arse.
Hate is a hateful disgusting person.

he must be thoroughly unpleasant in person as the nastiness certainly shows through with his posts.
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I don't know that number. But it was reported today that more US children are killed every year by guns than car accidents. In a country that is ruled by the car that is really shocking.
Have a browse of this website, which records every gun violence incident.

this year so far there have been
213 mass shootings
10 mass murders
141 children under 11 shot dead
17,311 gun deaths

since that mass shooting there have been 19 more people shot and killed by guns around America.
Nowt will change in the US

Sadly this recent incident will not be the last

The place is full of fruit cakes and as such more people will arm themselves and the sale of guns will
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My cousin lives in the northern most part of Canada that can still be called civilisation. He lives in a town with a population of approx 1300 that is well serviced by little of what we take for granted. He would have to drive for 6hrs to find a fast food burger joint.

Last time he was over here we're walking through my woods & he's all Eagle Eyed Action Man every step, "why all the anxiety" I asks. "This time of yeah back home we bump into bear & I only got this here little pea shootah" !

In deep winter they don't enjoy a trash collection, it's impossible. They have to double bag their rubbish & drop it at the town dump. You are forbidden by law to travel to the town dump without a gun because that's where all the bear are.

Last time I was over there it was Moose rutting season & I wanted to go out wandering, "Nope, that Moose out there he smell you & you Kaynt run & you kaynt carry a big enuff gun".

I cannot imagine anyone sat in front of a TV, gobbling down fast food needing a gun & I cannot imagine them ever understanding why some folk do.
Unless I'm mis-reading you, you're kind of making the point for less guns. Across the world, people will live in places where guns are genuinely required. Your cousin may well fall into that bracket. However, and focusing on the states given it's the focus of this thread, in the states there will be many people who own guns that don't require them. Yes it might be their legal right however that doesn't make it right. You said this ...

I cannot imagine anyone sat in front of a TV, gobbling down fast food needing a gun

Will that not be a % of American gun owners?

Maybe not the best analogy, however I think of hunting. There are people across the world that need to hunt for justifiable reasons e.g. use the meat to feed their family in lean times. Then we have the idiots that go out 'hunting' for fun and proudly pose on top of whatever endangered species they've killed another one of.

We'll have to agree to disagree that it's ok for an 18 year old to own assault rifles etc when they're not required for any legitimate reason.
Apols if I've got this wrong

From the few bits of news I've seen, to me it sounds as though the kids that were murdered by the killer were aged 7 to 11 and all in one class.
Is that right and if so were they gathered and taken to one class or does schooling in certain states of the USA teach using a different method compared to England.


How many people do you know sneak a car into a classroom and start killing pupils? If you wanted to kill as many people as possible and you had the choice of a knife or gun, which would you choose? People die from tooth brushes but don't reach for them when going on a mass killing spree.

Stupid argument. Stupid poster. Ban guns - home protection my arse.
Guns are already banned in the UK.
This means civilians don't have guns.
The criminals still have guns.
Apols if I've got this wrong

From the few bits of news I've seen, to me it sounds as though the kids that were murdered by the killer were aged 7 to 11 and all in one class.
Is that right and if so were they gathered and taken to one class or does schooling in certain states of the USA teach using a different method compared to England.



About sums it up

Afaik he entered one class barracaded his self in and shot / murdered every one inside ?

Apparently he had already killed his grandmother on route to the school ?
About sums it up

Afaik he entered one class barracaded his self in and shot / murdered every one inside ?

Apparently he had already killed his grandmother on route to the school ?
That's about right including his grandmother. 19 children and 2 teachers

There's been a report that he had a lisp and was bullied at school. The problem with that and gun controls is it can be used as a sort of excuse. It's people who kill not guns etc. Said to be a high school drop out and worked in a cafe.

One report mentioned 2 rifles. BBC 1 and a handgun. The rifle was an AR-15 which I believe several companies make. It lacks the selector switch so just an SLR or semi auto as they call it. It can be bought here but no self loading. A lever has to be pulled back for each shot. I have used on in 22. No interest to me. The military version had the selector switch. I do think there is some limnitations on that in the USA for civilians but not sure and it may vary.

It seems that their supreme court is expected to change carrying guns in public limitations. A relaxation. I have a vague recollection that following some shootings this was suggested as a solution. Maybe all people shopping will wear quick draw holsters or carry an AR-15. Designer versions of women and smaller stuff for kids. Arming the kids must be the best solution going on what some believe there.

Seems, but not sure - Some one can buy an AR-15 before they can buy beer.
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Unless I'm mis-reading you, you're kind of making the point for less guns.

If you lucky enuff to ever travel over there, you will realise that almost everyone has at least 1 gun. There is certainly more than 1x gun in every household.

Yet their gun crime figures are exceptionally low. There is an incredibly small number of gun related deaths.

Compare this community with downtown Chicago or Buttfuk City Texas & maybe you might begin to understand that it isn't guns that are the problem.
Guns are already banned in the UK.
This means civilians don't have guns.
The criminals still have guns.
Not many of them do and very few of them use them. There were 30 firearms homicides in the whole UK in 2020. California is probably a good comparison in the US. They had 2,156 in the same year.

Gun control works.
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