Another shooting

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When the idiots accuse us of somehow having an affinity with the people who can do this, then we simply push them to one side & seek out those who can share the conversation with us about "how do we stop this happening".

I fully agree.....
We are told not to judge all Muslims by the acts of a few extremists,
But many on here, judge all gun owners by the extreme acts of the few.

When ALL arms are removed, who controls you, someone like Putin perhaps?

Switzerland has over 25% of households owning guns, but hardly any gun crime.
Something wrong with the American way of life.
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yes, but it is easier with an automatic weapon. If it wasn't, soldiers would be equipped with Transit vans and meat cleavers.
There should be a ‘the dumbest statement of the week’ thread. congratulations , you won .
Switzerland has over 25% of households owning guns, but hardly any gun crime.

Switzerland has five times as many homicides committed with guns as Great Britain but only a slightly higher non-gun homicide rate.

Guns issued for Swiss military purposes are generally not small, easy to carry weapons suitable for most criminals.
I think it's now too late to remove the firearms from the US citizens.
IF say a law was passed today that made it that they could only use and store them at clubs then it would take at least 4-6 presidential terms before it was all done and they were gone.

In which time one of the new presidents could undo the ban.

So basically it aint happening.

What happened at the previous school shooting was that it caused them to arm themselves more, to get some armed guards etc.
People get shot daily in the US... its just a fact of life over there.
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Switzerland has five times as many homicides committed with guns as Great Britain but only a slightly higher non-gun homicide rate.
The Uk has issued, approximately 155,000 Firearm certificates, and 570,000 shotgun certificates.
Which gives us under a 1% gun ownership rate ( some owners will have both certificates ).

Switzerland has a 25% gun ownership rate, compared to our less than 1%,
The homicide rate for Switzerland, therefore in percentage terms is much much lower than ours.

Most voters in Switzerland support the government in its philosophy of armed neutrality.
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I think it's now too late to remove the firearms from the US citizens.
IF say a law was passed today that made it that they could only use and store them at clubs then it would take at least 4-6 presidential terms before it was all done and they were gone.

In which time one of the new presidents could undo the ban.

So basically it aint happening.

What happened at the previous school shooting was that it caused them to arm themselves more, to get some armed guards etc.
People get shot daily in the US... its just a fact of life over there.

Sadly, i think you're right. It's too late to remove them entirely but surely the ban on assault rifles should be reintroduced. They were banned in the 90s but the Bush administration repealed that and their subsequent use has caused the deaths of hundreds of people.

After Sandy Hook i wondered what it would take to get a ban introduced but now this...i can't think of a worse circumstance of a school full of kids under 10 years old being targeted.

What can we do?


What will they do?

The homicide rate for Switzerland, therefore in percentage terms is much much lower than ours.

are you trying to tell me that Switzerland does not have five times as many homicides committed with guns as Great Britain?
The same angry ****ed of person could get a car/truck/van and go and mow down a lot of people, or get a large kitchen knife and start hacking at innocent people. A criminal or psychopath intent on doing harm will usually find a way.
So much easier with a powerful accurate gun. You could actually murder several people without them even seeing you.
I fully agree.....
We are told not to judge all Muslims by the acts of a few extremists,
But many on here, judge all gun owners by the extreme acts of the few.

When ALL arms are removed, who controls you, someone like Putin perhaps?

Switzerland has over 25% of households owning guns, but hardly any gun crime.
Something wrong with the American way of life.

Now you are "blaming" all of the American people, lol.

"Putin" lol, you going to shoot down a Satan nuke, multi-warhead with a Colt45, lol.

are you trying to tell me that Switzerland does not have five times as many homicides committed with guns as Great Britain?

Americans make up about 4.4 percent of the global population but own 42 percent of the world’s guns, that is why they have the most shootings.
It's all about numbers of owners, relative to population size.

Are you unable to understand statistics?
Now you are "blaming" all of the American people, lol.

"Putin" lol, you going to shoot down a Satan nuke, multi-warhead with a Colt45, lol.


You are obviously unable to understand my post.

Where is that link to the plumbing genius??????
Americans make up about 4.4 percent of the global population but own 42 percent of the world’s guns, that is why they have the most shootings.
It's all about numbers of owners, relative to population size.

Are you unable to understand statistics?
You're wrong.

Switzerland has a higher per capita gun ownership and Canada is comparable to the US. Neither have the lax gun laws of the US or the rate of gun violence.
Something wrong with the American way of life
Yes, it has too many guns and lax gun laws

UK gun deaths per 100,000. = 0.2
USA gun deaths per 100,000 = 12

there is no good reason for people to have guns
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