Another shooting

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Whatever any of us think of Biden, in his recent address he was 100% right when he said why the heck does anyone in the general populous need to buy an assault rifle.
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Whatever any of us think of Biden, in his recent address he was 100% right when he said why the heck does anyone in the general populous need to buy an assault rifle.

You don't know what an "assault rifle" is, you cannot possibly understand or comprehend why one might be needed by your general populace. The term "assault rifle" is a term that is used by the anti-gun brigade as a sound bite to the idiots.
You don't know what an "assault rifle" is, you cannot possibly understand or comprehend why one might be needed by your general populace. The term "assault rifle" is a term that is used by the anti-gun brigade as a sound bite to the idiots.
Oh please, dry up. My main point, as per Biden's assertion, is why would a run-of-the-mill person whether 18 or 80 need to purchase rifles essentially designed to kill other people or animals. Of course there are going to be exceptions to any rule, however the main assertion relates to the general population.

Btw, how the feck do you know my level of knowledge re guns?

It's a safe assumption you're pro-gun, so your thoughts on this are going to be biased. How do I KNOW that? Same way you've concluded I don't know what assault rifles are.
Btw, how the feck do you know my level of knowledge re guns?

Because we aren't all idiots like you lot who clearly know SFA about guns & their uses. We can spot the idiots even when you safely out of range.
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Because we aren't all idiots like you lot who clearly know SFA about guns & their uses. We can spot the idiots even when you safely out of range.
One thing we can all agree on is the way some people in America like to use their guns ...

Interesting how you quickly brand people as idiots just because they don't share your opinion/views. Is it the case that the high majority of American gun owners always use their killing machines in accordance with the law? I don't doubt it.

That doesn't however mean existing laws are fit for purpose.
The handguns shown were fully automatic.

You miss the points I made on variations of that and rifles. It's also a subject that you clearly have no person experience of.
Yet again you're wrong.

Virtually no one uses fully automatic handguns, they're commonly referred to as machine pistols and they're useless except for wasting amunition. Uzi's are the smallest fully automatic weapons get and they have stocks.
Complex problems do not have simple solutions & the simple solution here is to ban guns outright. The problem with that is it won't work, it can't work & it's never worked before.

Prohibition of anything has never worked well. It is the simple solution for simpletons, keeps them happy & out of the real debate.

As a firearm owner & user I will fiercely defend MY RIGHT to own & use my guns. I am often misjudged by the idiots who think no civilian should own or use a gun, pushing those idiots to one side & we get to talk with the people who maybe don't own guns, don't need a gun but acknowledge that we need guns, some of us have guns & they're here to stay.

I don't know anyone who owns firearms who thinks walking into a school & killing children indiscriminately is a right. When the idiots accuse us of somehow having an affinity with the people who can do this, then we simply push them to one side & seek out those who can share the conversation with us about "how do we stop this happening".
But, surely as a UK firearm owner, the rules you must follow to own and use guns, which are not automatic assault rifles or automatic handguns, mean that it would not be easy for somebody, such as a son, friend etc. to grab your gun and drive to the local school and start shooting people.

I don't think anybody wants to ban guns that are used for sports, hunting, pest control etc. The UK laws make it very hard for these guns to be misused, sold to criminals, used by others.

As you say, you don't know anyone who owns firearms who thinks walking into a school & killing children indiscriminately is a right. But, for those that think it is right, they can't get your guns, can they? Your guns are locked away, if in transit, locked and unloaded. A criminal could steal them and use them, but they are very unlikely to get into the hands of somebody who wants to commit a crime on an impulse. And if they did, they are not so easy to conceal on your person, so you'll likely be spotted carrying the gun before you, or anybody else, can harm anybody.

America has none of these rules. You can cruise around with a loaded automatic rifle, you can keep your gun loaded in your bread tin or glove compartment, and some of these guns, unlike shotguns and rifles, can fire 100s of rounds a minute. A standard Glock 19 handgun (popular in America) has 10 rounds, and will fire as fast as you can pull the trigger. The AR-15 can fire 400 rounds per minute.

Do your guns come close to this? Could somebody shoot dead moving people in under a minute with your guns?
My cousin lives in the northern most part of Canada that can still be called civilisation. He lives in a town with a population of approx 1300 that is well serviced by little of what we take for granted. He would have to drive for 6hrs to find a fast food burger joint.

Last time he was over here we're walking through my woods & he's all Eagle Eyed Action Man every step, "why all the anxiety" I asks. "This time of yeah back home we bump into bear & I only got this here little pea shootah" !

In deep winter they don't enjoy a trash collection, it's impossible. They have to double bag their rubbish & drop it at the town dump. You are forbidden by law to travel to the town dump without a gun because that's where all the bear are.

Last time I was over there it was Moose rutting season & I wanted to go out wandering, "Nope, that Moose out there he smell you & you Kaynt run & you kaynt carry a big enuff gun".

I cannot imagine anyone sat in front of a TV, gobbling down fast food needing a gun & I cannot imagine them ever understanding why some folk do.
The term "assault rifle" is a term that is used by the anti-gun brigade as a sound bite to the idiots.

And some gun makers -

And the military -

In fact, according to the NY Times, it is the gun organisations that "detest the label “assault rifle,”", not the so-called "anti-gun brigade".

Of course, there is not really an anti-gun brigade. There is the NRA, but there is no major organised brigade of people anti-gun, just lots of angry voices getting ****ed off with having their kids brains blown out because a bunch of tossers don't want to change a 230 year rule to help reduce homicides.
I guess a cost issue. But, my kid's primary school is very secure - high anti-climb fence all around, and the door past the foyer is locked and can only be opened by staff in reception. So it is hard to see how an armed person could walk in and start shooting. Crazy that this simple security is not used in American schools.

But, as mentioned, this is not just schools. Churches, supermarkets, restaurants, cinemas, sports arenas, concert halls etc have all been attacked. Does everywhere need an armed guard? I fear this is exactly what many Republicans and the NRA actually want.

So the solution is take away the guns

I watched a 2.5 second clip f the clown/president of the usa. If I come across that clown I don't know if to laugh at him or pity the fools that voted it in. The man is one of the biggest mistakes since the birth of a clown.

Many that voted him in are regretting it.

Expect the next mass shooting in a few months time as that country has a pattern of that and it will continue until the remove guns I regret to state.
My cousin lives in the northern most part of Canada that can still be called civilisation. He lives in a town with a population of approx 1300 that is well serviced by little of what we take for granted. He would have to drive for 6hrs to find a fast food burger joint.

Last time he was over here we're walking through my woods & he's all Eagle Eyed Action Man every step, "why all the anxiety" I asks. "This time of yeah back home we bump into bear & I only got this here little pea shootah" !

In deep winter they don't enjoy a trash collection, it's impossible. They have to double bag their rubbish & drop it at the town dump. You are forbidden by law to travel to the town dump without a gun because that's where all the bear are.

Last time I was over there it was Moose rutting season & I wanted to go out wandering, "Nope, that Moose out there he smell you & you Kaynt run & you kaynt carry a big enuff gun".

I cannot imagine anyone sat in front of a TV, gobbling down fast food needing a gun & I cannot imagine them ever understanding why some folk do.

But, does that also apply in suburban Texas, or any other town or city across most of America?

And more importantly, does your cousin use an AR15 to defend against the wildlife? Or maybe a more practical, powerful and accurate rifle, such as a Winchester lever-action rifle. Spraying bullets from an AR15 probably won't top a charging bear unless you get a lucky headshot.

Canadian gun law seems to be very different from US gun law:
e.g "In Canada it’s illegal to carry a weapon for the purpose of self-defense." (presumably as a weapon to fight off humans)
There was a Michael Moore doc on the telly a good while back
Filmed in Texas

He walked into a bank who had a special offer

Open a bank
Account and you got a free gun
He walked out with a pump action shot gun on his sholder

Said bank did not supply ammo for the free gun

4 doors down he walked into a barbers shop got his hair cut
Same barber sold ammo so he bought a box of heavy gauge cartridges in the barbers for his shot gun :oops:
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