UK inflation 80% caused by brexit

In the longer term as the new money circulates prices have to go up because no new goods have been created - the extra money is chasing the same amount of goods.
This is called INFLATION
The word Inflation literally means "artificially created money without relation to the availability of goods", the government doing the creating. But, if you Google inflation, it says it means "a general increase in prices", as if it has happened naturally and the government has to control it. So, the definition has turned inside out as politicians have distanced themselves from their own actions. Inflation causes rising prices, not the other way around.
I just hope nobody ever works out WTF is going on.
My whole point is to show what is going on. We are being robbed, and we need rid of the entire political establishment, Labour and Conservative. Why can nobody think outside of these two parties?
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Funnily enough, the EU protects citizens against leaders and governments with evil intent.
No it doesn't. It's an utterly Satanic organisation. The fact they extended totalitarian vaccine passports despite 98% of respondents in a public consultation opposing these is simply more proof of this. It is a completely evil body.
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I think that one word sums up your feelings of a perceived shortage.
brexit has created increase in prices and reduction in availability.

When a country chooses to massively increase its trade barriers with its biggest and nearest trade partner, it’s what happens, indeed it has happened.

You chose to support economic damage to the UK, you just refuse to take responsibility for it
No it doesn't
It does, it’s a fact.

despite 98% of respondents in a public consultation
Do you have any evidence.

it’s just that polls show majority support for vaccine passports.

The YouGov survey, of more than 26,000 people in 26 countries, found majorities of the public in Europe and around the world in favour of vaccine passports in their country as a requirement for large events or to travel in and out of the country.

Support for a pass showing proof of vaccination to attend large sporting events and concerts ranged from 57% of respondents in France to 59% in Germany, 62% in Italy and 64% in Spain and Britain, with only Poland (45%) falling below 50
Notch7 Your idea of inflation is deluded! Stop reading the bull s...t
and look for yourself, if you keep printing money then things will go to sh..t
Please do not post rude insults just because I post facts which contradict your self satisfied beliefs.

Instead of being rude I suggest you use your energy to research facts.

the definition of inflation i have posted is the correct one.

and NO, quantitative easing does not automatically cause inflation.
A disaster relief charity has been hired by Kent County Council to help deal with the regular brexit queues on their main roads towards the country's busiest ports.

At a time when the media are trying to blame the delays on everything other than brexit, it's worth remembering that we never needed humanitarian aid for lorries on the motorway before we left the EU.

No doubt the Brexit failure deniers will be along to claim black is white.

It does, it’s a fact.

Do you have any evidence.

it’s just that polls show majority support for vaccine passports.

The YouGov survey, of more than 26,000 people in 26 countries, found majorities of the public in Europe and around the world in favour of vaccine passports in their country as a requirement for large events or to travel in and out of the country.

Support for a pass showing proof of vaccination to attend large sporting events and concerts ranged from 57% of respondents in France to 59% in Germany, 62% in Italy and 64% in Spain and Britain, with only Poland (45%) falling below 50
What happened to personal choice? And let's not forget that these injections don't prevent infection or transmission. So imposing coercive means is utterly indefensible and should end on the gallows for those responsible.
So imposing coercive means is utterly indefensible and should end on the gallows for those responsible.

Desperate times (worldwide pandemic) call for desperate measures. Antivaxxers should have gone to the gallows, no one else.
Euro doesn't actually qualify as a sovereign currency, it's only in recent years had some sort of makeshift bank to back up it's existence, smoke and mirrors, one day, the wind might blow that smoke away.
Few if any are really these days but there are 2 other aspects anyway. Positive trade balance and also market size and countries wishing to sell there. An odd example. There was a period when Japan was trading USD to try and keep it's value constant, Reason simple - it is a major market for them. Probably more so in some ways then compared with now as far more stuff they sold was made in Japan. The Euro had this sort of settling down period early on.

Mentioning sovereign currencies is pointless. The USD benefits from being a major standard trading currency. The GBP has been but isn't really any more. The Euro may become one but the USA would fight that anyway they could. ;) LOL As Brown said a while ago the USD really shouldn't be worth as much as it is. At that point in time people from Europe found the UK an expensive place - I know as we had a lot of Germans working for a while in the company I worked for.
Google the words 'dairy crisis in the eu', massive problems with over supply and surplus, I'm happy to pay a little more to ensure a sustainable business model.
If reports from UK farmers are correct their attempts to keep prices down / even pure availabliity problems in the fertiliser area may mean we would be glad of there being surplusses available elsewhere. Time will tell or they may have the same problem.
no that is not the meaning of inflation

inflation is a measure of the rate of rising prices of goods and services in an economy

thats it.

Sorry Notch, you are wrong.

My old Oxford dictionaries define inflation thus: "Undue increase in the quantity of money in relation to goods available for purchase".

Do you see that word "undue"? That simply means that it is wrong - inflating the money supply is wrong; wrongness is implicit in the definition. The "inflating" is done by those printing the extra money, of which rising prices are a consequence. Those printing the extra money are the government, and they don't want to be seen to be doing wrong. Some time in the recent past, probably around the Tony Blair era, the proper definition of inflation was obscured and so now we have the Orwellian newspeak definition, which is the one you know.

Printing money cannot possibly create wealth. If it did, they would do it all the time and we could just swan around all day, never working, and spending wads and wads of notes. Quantitative easing is just a newspeak euphemism for it. All that stuff about rising bond yields is just the big boys divvying up the new money when is first created. Rishi is doing it again, as we speak.

Imagine, Notch, there you are in the treasury; push a button and you've got a billion to spend. Be quick to spend it though, before it becomes worthless again and you have to print more.
Do you see that word "undue"? That simply means that it is wrong

No it doesn't. It means unwarranted or inappropriate, which in the face of a global pandemic and economic shutdown it was absolutely warranted.

You do know that there is actually no "printing of extra money" in QE?
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