Ukraine counter offensive

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Interesting point.
Ukraine like Ireland was part of a Union.
However when Ireland was allowed independence, the differing ethnic makeup of Ireland was taken into consideration, and to avoid conflict it was agreed by all sides that partition should take place.
Unfortunately due to the chaos during the break up of the former Soviet Union when Ukraine gained independence, the problems of the different ethnicities which made up
the population of that state where not addressed.
None of the areas invaded have a russian majority, they all seem to have something else that benefits russia.
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I want to denounce the bexit referendum as a "sham". I also want to include in that term the scotosh independent vote and the annexation of kosovo from serbia. Anything else is double standards
Might be a statement that doesn't carry itself in the future when your applying for a job or some money.
On the news last night ref this referendum caper

2 officials turn up around some blokes house accompanied by 2 soldiers and ask the said bloke how he wants to vote in the referendum

Bloke decided to vote to join the Russian federation
And one to invade.

. 'since 1945, the US has tried to overthrow more than 50 governments, many of them democratically elected; grossly interfered in elections in 30 countries; bombed the civilian populations of 30 countries; used chemical and biological weapons; and attempted to assassinate foreign leaders.'

From 2014.

But, yeah, keep swallowing and spouting the simplistic, reductive narrative USA=Good, Russia/China (nad everyone else not in the empire)=Bad.

You are being infantilised.
On the news last night ref this referendum caper

2 officials turn up around some blokes house accompanied by 2 soldiers and ask the said bloke how he wants to vote in the referendum

Bloke decided to vote to join the Russian federation
Well, if it's 'on the news' there's absolutely no doubt about it.
I'm surprised no-one has so far mentioned the Russian refugees fleeing persecution and conscription. Maybe up to 500,000. There was estimated to be 300,000 by March 2022, I'm sure there's way more than that now.
They'll be refugees looking for asylum, but no-one has complained about them so far. The current lot will be young men of fighting age.
since 1945, the US has tried to overthrow more than 50 governments
Start a new thread if you wish, this one is about Ukraine.

I don't buy your argument, which seems to be, that there is no problem with Russia's illegal invasion of a neighbour because the US also did it.
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