Ukraine counter offensive

Bit like the draft in America during the Vietnam war.
A fair bit of comparison. The well off and we'll connected dodge it whilst the poor and ethnic minorities get shat on.

Resulting in badly trained and motivated troops fighting a pointless war with no realisict route to victory whilst propping up a despotic corrupt regime.
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Northern Ireland came later
Interesting point.
Ukraine like Ireland was part of a Union.
However when Ireland was allowed independence, the differing ethnic makeup of Ireland was taken into consideration, and to avoid conflict it was agreed by all sides that partition should take place.
Unfortunately due to the chaos during the break up of the former Soviet Union when Ukraine gained independence, the problems of the different ethnicities which made up
the population of that state where not addressed.
We live in a world ruled by fear.
Fear if you cant pay your mortgage or rent, fear you could lose your job, fear Jeremy Corbyn could make a comeback, fear of more repeats of Morecambe and Wise on telly when you aren't expecting it.
The biggest fear i have, is having nothing to fear when i wake up, otherwise i would just stay in bed all day.
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