Kwasi Kwarteng

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That’s correct, it will have expanded massively including UK (y)
Idiotic upping Corporation tax to 25% fck off. So thats company adding this onto their overheads we all pay more

So you think lower corporation tax leads to lower prices.

it doesn’t.

BTW, UK has been the lowest corporation tax in G7, but also amongst the lowest in terms of productivity and investment.

low taxes are not a driver of growth

Most pundits out there say reduce tax at the low end to get people spending as much as poss, and reduce it for companies to get them investing.
Not a silver bullet, but the least bad of the options.

Making poor poorer and hitting on industry and the producers who give us the material stuff we need, and may even export, seems to be the dumbest option.
Then, FFS get some of the optic right so people feel like everyone up top's doing their best for thems at t' bottom, and the economy for some sort of future.
Say it's hard, but explain what you're doing.

How many people voting even have a clue why interest rates are put up?

but also amongst the lowest in terms of productivity and investment.
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So you think lower corporation tax leads to lower prices.

it doesn’t.

BTW, UK has been the lowest corporation tax in G7, but also amongst the lowest in terms of productivity and investment.

low taxes are not a driver of growth
More complex than that. Many regions have special incentives in the form of grants.
It's that pesky anti-growth coalition that's to blame. :ROFLMAO:
2021 Scottish election results:

SNP: 2,385,788 (44%)
Conservative: 1,229,657 (22.7%)
Labour: 1,070,211 (19.8%)
Liberal Democrat: 324,957 (6%)
Green: 253,227 (4.7%)
Other: 153,735 (2.8%)

Please, people of England, don't be fooled by the SNP rhetoric. Yes they received a significant % of the vote in 2021 and have for a number of years, however as you can see, Conservative and Labour do still have support up here.

Every time you hear anyone from the SNP say 'on behalf of the people of Scotland ...' and/or 'the people of Scotland have given us a mandate ...' please remember they don't speak for all of us, not by any means when you assess the above numbers.

SNP: 44% of the vote
Conservative & Labour: 42.5% of the vote
They don’t speak for me.
but with a fear of a genuine labour government
Lol, that's a good one. You can hardly get a rizla between Labour and the current lot.
"Balance the books" this...
"Fiscal responsibility" that ...
Starmer is there to make sure that when the public finally get fed up with the current lot, nothing material changes at all.

I’m laughing at you thinking that the EU will still be around at the end of the decade! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
There's every chance the EU will still be around in one form or another in a decade but it's increasingly difficult to see how the Eurozone will still be functioning by then.
So they've conspired between (liblabcon scotsnats) them to get us back under the auspices of the eu because the electorate are left with no other choice.

Lunatic fantasy from a resentful Brexer.
We have a government that nobody wants to lead, and it now seems that nobody is capable of doing their jobs.

Maybe it is time for somebody else to have a go?
yes, but the right people to lead the country are busy earning their living.
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