Halal meat

20 Aug 2009
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United Kingdom
What do you think we should do about halal meat in this country?

Should we ban it completely?

Or should we at least have a halal sign in every supermarket, corner shop, and takeaway shop window stating that it's sold there, and of course have halal clearly written on each piece of packaging?

Or do nothing?

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Oh shut up whinging you big tart. We've all been excluded from threads from time to time - why do you think it’s always about you?

Stick to the thread topic.

All KFC chicken is halal - or so my Muslim students tell me. I eat it from time to time so I suppose I can’t really say too much about it.

Edit: My first two sentences (above) was aimed at Pat ex who was, as per usual, whinging/posing off topic in this thread and his post has been removed.
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Didn't expect that.


And your thoughts on hahal meat?

Personally I find it barbaric, and not in the spirit of being a great nation of animal lovers.

I mean, you only have to look at a box of eggs to see if they are free range.

Of course, I am a great meat eater - but I think it's high time when it comes to slaughter, respect of the animal is paramount.
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Let's kill the myths.
The halal slaughtering methods are no different from the "British".
The only difference is that the animal is blessed by an imam before being killed.
The process is as follow:
Imam blesses the animal, then animal is stung with an electric shock, then lifted by the back feet upside down and then its head is cut.
Once blood has drained it goes further down the line to be skinned and cut up.
With chickens, the imam blesses large groups at once, before they go in the conveyor belt to get their neck cut.
The "British" method is exactly the same minus the blessing.
What's barbaric about it?
Also, the same abattoir is used for halal and "British" meat.
Halal meat is produced on set days.
I worked in cold storage in my heydays and been to abattoirs to witness this myself.
I asked the same questions at the time.
I hope this clears the nonsense.
Btw, I am Christian, not muslim but I don't mind eating halal meat, in fact, my butcher of choice for lamb is halal.
The Mod has been busy excluding me from posting in most threads.

Funny old world isn't, it andy11 can propose extreme violence like the idea of shooting innocent people on the beach, and he's allowed to continue, not to mention persistently posting fake news about Covid, along with others.
transam can display extreme xenophobia, propose indiscriminate bombing of civilians, and he's allowed to continue.
Mottie is allowed to persistently troll others, and that's allowed.
Trazor is allowed to post purely ad hominem posts, and that's OK
But if I dare to challenge such posts, and post up the proof, I'm barred from most threads, and threatened with being banned.

By their behaviour, the mods demonstrate their support for such extremism, and if anyone dares to challenge that extremism and they're threatened with being banned, under the blatantly one-sided label of ad hominem comments.
View attachment 283539

By all means mods, ban me and it'll confirm your biased protection of such extremists, despite their incessant bigoted behaviour. Your shutting down of those that challenge their extremism confirms your protection of their bigotry and extremism.
I see from previous examples that this is a constant theme on this site.
It shows that the bigoted and extremist posters are incapable of serious debate, and go running to the mods to help them out with their persistent extremism.
What the hell has this got to do with halal meat???
Open your own thread you muppet.
I gather some 5% of the animals slaughtered for halal are not stunned in the UK.

Which is still a lot.
Ban it imo

And before some fruit cake from oop north piles in ban kosher as well
I it's cubes of lamb for a curry I prefer it as all fat is trimmed off.
In answer this thread, let them carry on.
Unless you're a vegetarian it's a bit hypocritical to moan about halal meat.
Unless you're a vegetarian it's a bit hypocritical to moan about halal meat.
Why would having a bolt shot through your head be any better or the electrocution way having been strung up while alive.
What do you think we should do about halal meat in this country?

Should we ban it completely?

Or should we at least have a halal sign in every supermarket, corner shop, and takeaway shop window stating that it's sold there, and of course have halal clearly written on each piece of packaging?

Or do nothing?


Why do you want to ban meat that has had a prayer said over it? Do you think it will magically change your religion?

Why aren't you moaning about kosher meat, which is NEVER stunned before slaughter?
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