Halal meat

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The animal dies in the same way as its "British" brothers.
Won't feel a thing because it's stunned.
Except a fair few animals are not stunned sufficiently and are still conscious when their noggins are forcefully removed.

This is the problem with any automated slaughter process. There isn't an alarm that goes off if a bird is not stunned. The production line does not screech to a halt and there is no klaxon or flashing red light highlighting the unfortunate beast. They just continue along the line stunned or not.
Perhaps all meat eaters should spend a day in a slaughter house ?

Noseall would be happy with that it would be like an entertaining day out for him

He could even participate in the slaughter ????
I have done both on many occasions.
Have you ever watched carnivores in a documentary?
That's gory, not killing an animal for food by minimising the suffering.
Meat comes from animals, if you can't accept that, you should go vegetarian or vegan.
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Unless you want to pump an animal with pain killers, there is going to be pain and stress. Any animal (including humans) will go in to coma pretty quickly once the flow of oxygenated blood is cut from the brain. Depending on the size it could be around 10-20 seconds.
Except a fair few animals are not stunned sufficiently and are still conscious when their noggins are forcefully removed.

This is the problem with any automated slaughter process. There isn't an alarm that goes off if a bird is not stunned. The production line does not screech to a halt and there is no klaxon or flashing red light highlighting the unfortunate beast. They just continue along the line stunned or not.
Where did you get this knowledge from?
All mammals are stunned individually.
There's no machine doing it, so once the operator has stunned them, it would be obvious if the stunt device has failed.
Chickens in most abattoirs are stunned by controlled atmosphere with inert gases (CO2 mainly).
They lose consciousness by oxygen deprivation.
Basically they fall asleep similarly to what humans would do if subjected to the same conditions.
A few abattoirs still use the electrocution bath which stops the birds' heart, same result.
This last method might be more prone to fail, but with modern sensors, it would take no time to realise.
So, it is not true what you said.
All animals slaughtered under the Shechita (for Kosher) are non-stunned.
I will not eat Halal meat and any cost ..... unless its on the reduced items shelfs at Sainsburys.

Mrs Bods not keen on the Chicken we have had; I was OK with it.
I believe you have children, are they at school and do they have school meals? A lot of schools use halal meat, they probably won't tell you unless you ask. Can't say I could notice the difference between halal,kosher,free range or intensively reared meat, and as for KFC, filthy stinking muck, makes me heave just walking past one. Do love a donner kebab though.
It's a terrible day when religion or race controls, and becomes more important, than animal welfare.

Or other areas of common decency.

Are you saying this subject is taboo, on this forum, or any kind of conversation?

No wonder the world is at war.
Literally Ha Ha HAaaa ...

Do you realise what a stupid statement that is to make?

Regardless of ones views on religion and/or race, since year dot people have been using animals in good/bad/horrible ways as part of religious and/or race related activities.

People all over the world use animals in ways many western folk might not agree with, and of course no decent person would defend any activity that is blatantly downright cruel. However just because certain things don't fit a western narrative doesn't mean they aren't valid and justified in other cultures.

The world is a complete cluster f*** these days and yes, religion no doubt has a part to play in that. However it only plays one part, along with a thousand other things that contribute to the cluster f***
Of course, animals are NEVER mistreated in non-halal farms and abattoirs across the UK. No, that would never happen ;)
Of course, animals are NEVER mistreated in non-halal farms and abattoirs across the UK. No, that would never happen ;)

For me, it is more about time, if you know what I mean ... it wasn't very long ago our butchering processes were less humane than they are now, a matter of a few decades I would guess. Just because some people have changed their ways and decided that this is best, why should we expect everybody else to just follow what we do? Maybe they will in decades to come, "kids" generally drive these things, and we can see how outspoken they are at the moment.

But maybe they won't. We spent millennia butchering animals any way we could, and in the past, probably treated them better while they were alive than we do today, and wasted almost nothing. What's to say that our method of rearing and butchering animals is "best"? From both animal welfare and sustainability, our farming methods are bad. Add that to the hugely wasteful meat packaging industry (mostly plastic now) and refrigeration (energy and more waste) we really are not doing too well.

Maybe we should go back to a simpler method? I often think that if we could go back to buy meat on the day you want to cook it, from a butcher that butchered it that morning, many of today's problems in the food supply chain would be solved. But how do we get there? Certainly not by criticising people who do no follow our methods.

It wasn't long ago there was a livestock market in town, when it meant farmers taking their cows etc into town to sell to butchers. Change is not always progress.

- I was thinking about this the other day, when I thought to myself, "do we really need a fridge?". I decided the answer was yes, as sometimes I need a cold beer.
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I blame the chickens, pigs, cows and lambs for all this slaughter by whatever method. They shouldn’t be so damn tasty!
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