Good news for UK

So lets continue this analogy. Long term medicines take time to kick in? Are you confusing this with medicines that you are on for life?

So this medicine that hasn't kicked in yet - you cant tell me when it will kick in - just that you hope it will? After its kicked in will we need to stop it?

So no other country faced covid? No other country was effected by the War?

So if covid affected the country in very negative way - who was leading the country?

Every analogy you make you end up contradciting yourself or just making up something new to justify your point.
You’re going round in circles. You want to watch out that you don’t disappear up your own arsehole.
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You’re going round in circles. You want to watch out that you don’t disappear up your own arsehole.

It's always thus with your poor analogies. You can't provide the benefits and then you say you can only see it somewhere over the rainbow.
If you start getting the symptoms of an illness that you know could possibly kill you, you go and get treatment for that before the condition gets out of control
EU membership was never the cause of UKs illness

UKs illness is the result of decades of domestic policies, mostly Tory govts.

funny that - the Tory’s created most of the problems, then they tell the electorate it’s all fault of the EU

and now the EU excuse can’t be used any more, UKs problems are being blamed on Johnny Foreigner.

Mottie laps up every excuse and dutifully votes for the people who brainwash him
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London has overtaken Paris and is once again home to the largest stockmarket in Europe, a Bloomberg analysis has concluded.

And UK economist Julian Jessop has urged Remainers to take note, given they "made a big deal when the reverse happened".

London has overtaken Paris and is once again home to the largest stockmarket in Europe, a Bloomberg analysis has concluded.

And UK economist Julian Jessop has urged Remainers to take note, given they "made a big deal when the reverse happened".
Pretty meaningless someoe described it. :rolleyes:
And UK economist Julian Jessop

Julian Jessop is an “economist“ at the Institute of a Economic Affairs

IEA = libertarian propaganda group with opaque funding. It was the powerful lobby group that put Truss and her free market bolox into power.

Mind you, Kier will bring it back in if he got into power. Wouldn’t he?
Hopefully, if it can be done lawfully. Depends what protections the greedy grasping scumbag Tories give them along with their Toried-up, contracts
living stds are cr@p in the UK, the main reason being appalling wealth distribution. The Resolution Foundation points out that Britain also has an unusual distribution of income. While the rich in the UK are wealthier than the rich in most other European counties, those on middle and lower incomes in the UK are poorer than most of their European counterparts

Living standards in UK have lagged behind those in Germany and US for years​

The typical French household is 11% richer, the typical German household 27% richer and the typical US household an extraordinary 64% richer than the typical family in the UK.

Anecdotal so not scientific but our Romainan postman (so he tells me) earns £25k a year and must work weekends without overtime. His brother does the exact same job in Germany, works fewer hours for £35,000 and gets double time at weekends.

Anecdotal so not scientific but our Romainan postman (so he tells me) earns £25k a year and must work weekends without overtime. His brother does the exact same job in Germany, works fewer hours for £35,000 and gets double time at weekends.

Did you ask him why he lived here and not in Germany?
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