Cop 28

18 Sep 2008
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United Kingdom
Not had much of a look in on here as we wonder if Rishi can get his Rwanda plan over the line.
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A turd (The great carbon scam) dressed up in sheeps clothing (Virtue signalling and moralising)

An absolute insult to the sanity and intelligence of those it's aimed at.

Do, ffs, **** the **** off COP.
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what a surprise, a right wing Brexit supporter is also a climate change denier.

the Daily Mail know their audience
Where am i denying climate change and why does this define my political compass?

Are you the typical label throwing, virtue signalling liberal wet fart who thinks anything not in their own political sphere is Nazism?
What a surprise you've fallen for the climate change scam.
The Irish environment minister was only stopped from flying to COP, then back to Ireland for a house vote then flying back out to COP by public outcry.

The energy rich preaching to the energy poor.
A ****ing disgrace.
I found it amusing that the Germans couldn't afford the air fare to attend.
Are you the typical label throwing, virtue signalling liberal wet fart who thinks anything not in their own political sphere is Nazism?
I only know him as shout down notchy, that's a lot more definitive.
It is not a scam

No doubt appreciating the difference between weather and climate is too hard for you
I've got some more from the conference I'll edge them in slowly tomorrow, don't want you getting to giddy about all the 'good work' they do at these conferences.
Where am i denying climate change

“the great carbon scam”

Are you the typical label throwing, virtue signalling liberal wet fart who thinks anything not in their own political sphere is Nazism?
Seems I’ve hit a nerve.

have a nice soothing cup of tea and calm yerself down, there’s a good chap, :ROFLMAO:
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