Some good news on the Headlines right now.

27 Feb 2017
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United Kingdom
…for the U.K. haters/remainers/antitories. Surprised they haven’t pounced yet. Won’t be long…..
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Technical recession of 0.1% for a short period. But by the time the media have scared the crap out of everyone it will last until the spring.
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Germany next. Hey, let’s call it, I don’t know, a 'world recession'? Does that sound about right?
The BBC had a program on concerning this area on Tuesday evening / night. It went on to cover what has happened to longer term productivity. All I will say is whoops. As I knew this had happened I didn't watch all of it or note what it was called. Reason various economic shocks, We did have a period where growth was 2nd from the USA which was at the top. Way off it now.

Yet another instance where various headline figures do not tell the entire story. That isn't at all unusual.
You mean Germany has a better economy than the UK despite the UK leaving the EU?

Shurely there's shome mishtake, moneypenny...:unsure:
"Japan like Germany has an ageing population and is heavily dependent on exports. Europe’s biggest economy has also been shaken by rising energy prices caused by Russia’s war in Ukraine, rising interest rates in the eurozone and a chronic shortage of skilled labour."

Couldn't see where the article was making a comparison to Britain's economy.
What ii does appear to be doing is the shifting sands at the top of those high up the ladder in the economic field who are now both suffering as they swap places.
"Japan like Germany has an ageing population and is heavily dependent on exports. Europe’s biggest economy has also been shaken by rising energy prices caused by Russia’s war in Ukraine, rising interest rates in the eurozone and a chronic shortage of skilled labour."
Which applies to the UK as well. Other countries do appear to be handling it more effectively and still have real growth.

Exports figure in all cases. Fact of life. i should also mention that these exports may not all be goods. Services figure as well.
Here is some good news: the British public now overwhelmingly understand Brexit has been a complete failure

The sooner the public stop believing the Brexit lies, the sooner this country can get on repairing the damage.

Here is some good news: the British public now overwhelmingly understand Brexit has been a complete failure

The sooner the public stop believing the Brexit lies, the sooner this country can get on repairing the damage.

Notchy falls for the spin because he can't read beyond the headlines, which he ironically accuses others of not being able to do.
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