EXAMPLE... mine cost me 15mnths of my life .....
what had you done?
EXAMPLE... mine cost me 15mnths of my life .....
EXAMPLE... mine cost me 15mnths of my life .....
what had you done?
EXAMPLE... mine cost me 15mnths of my life .....
what had you done?
Not sure what benefit there is to the victim's family other than the knowledge that the same thing won't happen to some other poor s o d.
The benefit to society is obvious though, surely?
Tax payers won't have to keep the waste of good breathing air in prison for decades
then the act of 'taking life' becomes easier...
And Society IMO would become even more brutal because of it!
It acts as a deterrent
Just as well the was no death penalty then.
If they did have the death penalty then maybe she would still be alive today
In your opinion John
In your opinion John
It's not opinion. It's a fact. Why is it that you are unable to accept anything other than your own opinion? I've never met anyone so pig-headed.
In your opinion John
It's not opinion. It's a fact. Why is it that you are unable to accept anything other than your own opinion? Please accept my outlook.
As a self-appointed trainee Mod, I have deleted the 'pig-headed' comment in order that the post can continue without being locked. Hope you don't mind joe-90.
ps How did I do Duty Mod?