£465 million a year!

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Most of the 'online bets' are processed overseas in low tax countries, Gibraltar seems to be the main place for gaming companies. Bet 365 are apparently very big in the 'grey markets', operating in China and Turkey without a licence.
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Can anybody actually visualize realistically earning that type of money. It's almost unimaginable. How would you even invest that amount of money? To me it's unimaginable.
Tbh I've never really understood that position. We've discussed similar at work before where someone would say 'but what would you do with £100 million?!?' Almost as if they couldn't imagine that amount of money. And some people have a very limited imagination when it comes to doing stuff with money. They equate it to the life they have now, saying things like 'but there are only so many holidays you can go on or cars to buy.' They base it around material things.

You could give me millions or billions and I'd find ways to put it to good use. Yes, some of that would be for me, however just think what you could do for good causes. It's all relative to what you win or in this case earn. e.g. If I had billions, I would heavily invest in my local community, both through infrastructure projects and creating job/career opportunities. I would also like to do things around hospice care for children as there are apparently not many of these across the UK.

So much you could do.
however just think what you could do for good causes.
Quite often, when we see a news item about a pensioner or someone that needs a hip operation they can’t get or a child that needs a £200k pioneering operation in America or something similar Mrs Mottie often turns to me with a tear in her eye saying “Wouldn't it be nice if we won the lottery. We could just pay for that". Yes. It really would.
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