ACT 10 digital keypad Info please

The maglock is connected via normally closed and common ! It's a relay for example power supply 12v + to mag lock + , 0v from power supply to act keypad relay common , 0v from maglock to act relay normally closed.... Enter code it breaks the connection ( power ) to the maglock.....
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Do I still need to connect 12v to the 12v on the keypad and 0v also to power the keypad? I've connected it exactly as you've said, but there is no power to the keypad. When I do connect 12v to 12v on the keypad and 0v to 0v power, the pad keypad clicks continuously and all the lights flicker.
Yes ! What power supply are you using ? 12v ? What size ? 1amp ? What maglock are you using ? Is it set for 12v or 24v ?
At the moment, I'm using a 12v 1.2Ah battery which I want to use as a back up battery in case of power failure. I have a 240v to 12v converter in the white metal box which I am going to connect the battery to? the mag lock is 12v 320ma?
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YOU ARE A LIFESAVER!!!!!!!!! Tried a 12v ac adapter and works perfectly!!!!!!! thank you so, so, so much!!!!!!
After 6 hours on the battery ! :D
And make sure you exit button is normally open or it may cause problems !
I managed to do the exit button without a prob :). I am genuinely so grateful. Gary :)

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