After agreeing to and now reneging on the Irish backstop. Why would anyone negotiate with her now?

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1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom
The world is watching.

US Rep Brendan Boyle

After agreeing to the Irish backstop, Theresa May’s government has now reneged on it. Why would anyone negotiate with her now?

This is the crux of the argument - May has lost all credibility - her word is worthless.
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:rolleyes: Get real

Politics is a dirty caper always has been and always will be

No room for snow flakes or those occupying the so called moral high ground :LOL:
The EU asked the UK recently

Tell us what you want

They have h
Got the answer to the question they have repeatedly asked
It’s called 'negotiation' and you don’t show your hand straight off. Can’t you see what she’s done? She’s gone to them, said okay to their poxy offer, put it to the house and NOW has the backing of the house to negotiate better terms. Basically, give us what we think is fair or we leave with no deal and the EU will bear a fair chunk of suffering and they can go and whistle for their £39.5bn. They don’t like it and this will go right to the wire as most negotiations do but we'll get what we want.
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Im not sure I see it like that.

Didnt she try her hardest to get a deal with a backstop?
Brendan Boyle :confused: who's he ?

Not that it matters because who cares :LOL:
Did I read this week that the EU refuse to discuss anything further?

You did

Been on the radio tonight Finland and Ireland said that the back stop caper is not open for further negotiation

So the UK can basically go and do one :eek:
After agreeing to the Irish backstop, Theresa May’s government has now reneged on it. Why would anyone negotiate with her now?

This is the crux of the argument - May has lost all credibility - her word is worthless.
Actually it's not only her that's 'lost all credibility' - it's the UK.

Because PM's come and go, but the strategies will remain the same...
And the UK's 'strategy' is to be backward looking and arrogant.

The UK system is now totally untrustworthy, not only in the eyes of other countries but also by it's own population.

The EU has been more lax with the UK than any other EU country as regards opt outs/rebates etc in the past, and the UK responded by being probably the most compliant country in the EU.
But now when it comes to the core values (that the UK signed up to) the EU is merely being consistent, and the UK wants to renege on what it agreed to.

Other countries are watching the UK wriggle and squirm to get out of it's obligations, and that will simply harden attitude towards the UK when any of those 'easy and wondrous' trade deals are negotiated!
:rolleyes: Well that's cleared that up than

Blimey what he don't know about this Brexit caper isn't worth knowing :sneaky:

Blokes on the ball a visionary no two ways about it :sneaky:
Well that's cleared that up than
So how would you negotiate with the UK?

Look at the history of these 'negotiations', and conclude that the UK is the easiest/most trustworthy country to deal with and give it all that it wants?

Or spot the weakness and try and get the upper hand?
It’s called 'negotiation' and you don’t show your hand straight off. Can’t you see what she’s done? She’s gone to them, said okay to their poxy offer, put it to the house and NOW has the backing of the house to negotiate better terms. Basically, give us what we think is fair or we leave with no deal and the EU will bear a fair chunk of suffering and they can go and whistle for their £39.5bn. They don’t like it and this will go right to the wire as most negotiations do but we'll get what we want.

What do we want?

The negotiations have ended. The EU has to back their member Ireland. May herself negotiated the backstop.

I give up, your metaphors just make you go down the wrong path.
Did I read this week that the EU refuse to discuss anything further?
You certainly did. You’ve also probably seen many adverts for houses, cars, motorcycles etc etc where they say I want xxxxx for it but of course they will take less, as that xxxx is only their starting point. :whistle:
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