After agreeing to and now reneging on the Irish backstop. Why would anyone negotiate with her now?

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US Rep Brendan Boyle

After agreeing to the Irish backstop, Theresa May’s government has now reneged on it. Why would anyone negotiate with her now?

This is the crux of the argument - May has lost all credibility - her word is worthless.
Needs must!..Simples
You certainly did. You’ve also probably seen many adverts for houses, cars, motorcycles etc etc where they say I want xxxxx for it but of course they will take less, as that xxxx is only their starting point. :whistle:
Exactly...Remainiacs are so naive and brand new.
What do we want?

The negotiations have ended. The EU has to back their member Ireland. May herself negotiated the backstop.

I give up, your metaphors just make you go down the wrong path.
Rofl....not a patch on remoaner metaphors,,remember the pizza 1!!!.
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Oh no mummy, we will just pour all the champagne down the drain then, instead of flogging it to UK, cos naughty Tezza has changed her mind on the backstop, written in Stone,,,4eva!!!!
she’ll get a deal. It may cost us.

maybe putin style negotiation- flood ireland with Uk voters and annex it from the EU
Regarding all this cobblers about negotiations have been concluded and there'll be no change, is my memory playing tricks on me or did I remember hearing Spain saying Brexit is not going to happen unless we surrender Gibraltar plus one other EU country demanding fishing rights in our waters? What happened there, I seemed to have missed those climbdowns?
So what will the border arrangements be if "No deal" happens? Looks like a hard border is all that's available.
Regarding all this cobblers about negotiations have been concluded and there'll be no change, is my memory playing tricks on me or did I remember hearing Spain saying Brexit is not going to happen unless we surrender Gibraltar plus one other EU country demanding fishing rights in our waters? What happened there, I seemed to have missed those climbdowns?
Unfortunately so far we are only negotiating the withdrawal agreement -all those other things are still to be argued when trade talks start.
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