After agreeing to and now reneging on the Irish backstop. Why would anyone negotiate with her now?

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You certainly did. You’ve also probably seen many adverts for houses, cars, motorcycles etc etc where they say I want xxxxx for it but of course they will take less, as that xxxx is only their starting point. :whistle:
I hope your right.
So what will the border arrangements be if "No deal" happens? Looks like a hard border is all that's available.

Theresa says that there must not be free movement between EU27 and UK. Therefore, there must be a hard border with passport checks, and may well be visa or other requirements. That's because of Theresa's "red line" on stopping free movement.

Theresa says that we must not be in the single market. Therefore, there must be customs posts and border checks, and may well be tariffs or other requirements. That's because of Theresa's "red line" on single market.

Theresa says that we must not be obliged to follow EU rules. Therefore, our products may not conform to EU standards and will not be automatically alowed to enter EU. For example they will not accept chlorinated chicken. So the EU will in some way have to verify acceptability of products. Perhaps that will be done by an imports agent inside the EU who will be responsible for tests, certification etc. This will be a non-tariff barrier to the free movement of goods. That's because of Theresa's "red line" on following EU rules.

Theresa says that there must not be free movement of goods and people between EU27 and UK, but there must be free movement of goods and people between NI and RoI. Northern Ireland is in the UK but The Republic of Ireland is in the EU. Therefore there must be a hard border between NI and RoI. But simultaneously there must not be a hard border between NI and ROI. This is impossible, but it's what the Brexers demand. The Brexers are mad.

Perhaps Theresa, or our next government, will take a different approach and will start trying to agree deals after we've left.

Nobody knows.
Perhaps Theresa, or our next government, will take a different approach and will start trying to agree deals after we've left.

Well Labour want a customs union but are keeping quiet about free movement of people as that would upset 5 million of their voters.
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Barmy Barnier knows damn well a technical solution to no hard border is possible
Theresa says that there must not be free movement of goods and people between EU27 and UK, but there must be free movement of goods and people between NI and RoI. Northern Ireland is in the UK but The Republic of Ireland is in the EU. Therefore there must be a hard border between NI and RoI. But simultaneously there must not be a hard border between NI and ROI. This is impossible, but it's what the Brexers demand. The Brexers are mad.

a technical solution to no hard border is possible

Please give us your link to the solution which the Brexers have devised, documented and agreed.

(he won't)
Theresa says that there must not be free movement between EU27 and UK. Therefore, there must be a hard border with passport checks, and may well be visa or other requirements. That's because of Theresa's "red line" on stopping free movement.

Theresa says that we must not be in the single market. Therefore, there must be customs posts and border checks, and may well be tariffs or other requirements. That's because of Theresa's "red line" on single market.

Theresa says that we must not be obliged to follow EU rules. Therefore, our products may not conform to EU standards and will not be automatically alowed to enter EU. For example they will not accept chlorinated chicken. So the EU will in some way have to verify acceptability of products. Perhaps that will be done by an imports agent inside the EU who will be responsible for tests, certification etc. This will be a non-tariff barrier to the free movement of goods. That's because of Theresa's "red line" on following EU rules.

Theresa says that there must not be free movement of goods and people between EU27 and UK, but there must be free movement of goods and people between NI and RoI. Northern Ireland is in the UK but The Republic of Ireland is in the EU. Therefore there must be a hard border between NI and RoI. But simultaneously there must not be a hard border between NI and ROI. This is impossible, but it's what the Brexers demand. The Brexers are mad.

Perhaps Theresa, or our next government, will take a different approach and will start trying to agree deals after we've left.

Nobody knows.
Tech solution available,,,wait and see!..
Tech solution available,,,wait and see!..

more fairytale promises of unicorns from the Leavers.

If you really believed there was a solution, you wouldn't care about the Backstop, because it would never come into force.
Basically, give us what we think is fair or we leave with no deal and the EU will bear a fair chunk of suffering and they can go and whistle for their £39.5bn.
And what a marvellous way to start our negotiations with other countries for trade deals etc - show that we can never be trusted to honour agreements which we make.

You utter, utter t**t.
Unfortunately so far we are only negotiating the withdrawal agreement -all those other things are still to be argued when trade talks start.
And anyway, our plucky patriotic fishermen have already sold off a lot of "our" fishing rights to foreign concerns. Access to those could only be negotiated, or used in negotiations, if we went down the road of nationalising thing owned by foreigners, and I don't think that's the Tory way....
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