Aircraft and conveyor belt (again)

if the other plane was facing the opposite way wouldn't it be landing rather than taking off?
As its landing
It is not landing. It starts off stationary.

their can be no other plane on the conveyor
Nevertheless, there is one.

thus as the planes wheels touch the conveyor it automatically goes into reverse to match the wheel speed.
No - the conveyor belt reacts only to the first plane, not the second, because the wheels of the second plane don't turn.

Which means the plane must stop INSTANTLY...
Please see "The Italian Job", and the related Myth Busters video.
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Are you saying there are no lift aids that could be manipulated to reduce drag, or that no control is available to reduce lift, and therefore achieve a higher airspeed before attempting to take off from the scenario that Softus posted?
In my scenario, the airspeed is dictated by the fact that the conveyor belt is pushing the plan (with locked wheels).

The belt is going at the same speed as the first plane, and [I implied that] the first plane is going at its natural take-off speed.

So the second plane can't increase its air speed. Maybe there is a method of decreasing its take-off speed? :D

Sure there is.

I my reply I assumed the runway was going to go much faster than that. I also reasoned that because the runway speed would be so fast, the aircraft could be made to lift off without using it's own power. So off I go at a tangent. With my runway speed, the second plane could be made to lift off without using it's own power but then it wouldn't fly very far.

With your runway speed the second plane could never lift off without using its own power. With it's own power it would lift off. All obvious. It would probably lift off at much the same time as the first plane.
All i know is they should sack the air traffic controllers for allowing a plane to land on an already occupied runway! :)

2 pages and counting ;)
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I knew it wasn't landing, I was merely responding to tim's alternative hypothesis. And to show the silliness of the " It won't take off brigade".

Anyway Tim and I think it must have landed, how else did it get there..................... :LOL:
trazor said:
I knew it wasn't landing, I was merely responding to tim's alternative hypothesis. And to show the silliness of the " It won't take off brigade".
Unless you're also "tim west" then I have no idea what you're talking about.

Anyway Tim and I think it must have landed, how else did it get there..................... :LOL:
Ha ha. It was built in a nearby hanger and this is it's maiden flight.
Dont think much of their new aircraft if it needs a conveyor to get it airborne ;)
I would guess that the 2nd plane would lift off before the the original plane. The original plane would likely suffer some drag/friction caused by the double wheel speed. However, its also likely that the 2nd plane would stall almost immediately after lift off, due to the spool up time of the engine.

Are we there yet, Dad?
I would guess that the 2nd plane would lift off before the the original plane. The original plane would likely suffer some drag/friction caused by the double wheel speed.

Rolling resistance is made irrelevant because the Softus runway that aircraft 2 is sitting on simply matches the speed of aircraft 1.
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