Alternator failure

5 Oct 2007
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United Kingdom
is there any reason external to the alternator that capulet cause it to fail? Our Saab failed at 47,000 and the new one smells.
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There shouldn't be any smell.....the alternator output is connected direct to the battery - do see that the terminals are tight and they aren't getting hot. 47000 isn't a huge mileage for an alternator - they should manage twice that.
Has there been any other symptoms, such as lights dimming in the dark, or whatever?
John :)
Have you got an oil or water leak that's getting in to the alternator? Is your battery over or under charging?
There should not be a smell.

Was it definately the alternator that failed previously? Seized idler pulley or tensioner might have caused a problem with the drive belt this could be what you are smelling?
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Is your battery in a good condition? how old is it? are all its cells in good order and none is showing signs of shorted out?

What is its terminal voltage when car is left for a while i.e. for a few hours or overnight, it should be between 12.5v to 12.85v and when charging ity should creep up to 14.4volts
Fatplumber has a problem with his foot and hopefully not driving at the moment.