Anti maskers become pro maskers

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1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom
Republicans truly are a cult - from screaming against wearing masks to now being pro mask is a power move.

I suspect there will be another volte-face when Bojo announce more widesread mandatory use of masks.


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I suspect there will be another volte-face when Bojo announce more widesread mandatory use of masks
It will of course be a vague dithering type of 'proclamation' rather than a legal position...

Because at present the police can demand a person removes a mask or forcibly remove it because 'authority' doesn't want anonymous protest!

So what will a person's rights be?

Forced to wear a mask by 'decree', and forced to remove it by law?

If that is the case then the rule of law takes another step backwards!
If trump thinks he "looks like the Lone Ranger " then maybe he should cut some big eyeholes in it?
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It's common sense that's going backward faster than an Italian tank!
Ah, more ignorant stereotyping...

But you are right in that common sense indeed left the building some time ago...

By deliberation I would suggest!

However, are you suggesting that the UK's legal system should be based on 'common sense' rather than legislation?
I think the guidance is keep 2M apart, but if you can't - then wear a mask. I don't see it as any kind of U-turn if the guidance on wearing a mask in shops is changed, if shops are getting busy again and masks aren't an option.
A politician who voted against mandatory face masks is currently hospitalized and critically ill with cornavirus.
Paul Waldron, a commissioner for St Johns County in Florida, was in the ‘most critical of conditions’ and because of ‘complications from the virus, he went into septic shock and many organs are struggling,’ his daughter wrote on Facebook last week.

Read more:
The far-right president of Brazil, who dismissed the virus, and claimed photos of mass graves were fake, also has it.

It is feared that if his illness is mild, it will encourage him to neglect precautions still more.
I don't know what the fuss is, I have been wearing a mask when going shopping (once a week) for the past few months.

And lets face it, there are some that are so fugly they need to wear a mask to be allowed outside :)
So apparently we're all going to have to wear a mask when shopping from 24th July.
(robberies and shoplifting to increase?)

But what's going to change in 11 days?

And the police will supposedly be enforcing said wearing of masks inside shops, but not in the queue outside...

We truly are entering an era of mind control by decree!

I wonder how many 'regulations' people will be willing to abide by which aren't actually laid down in law by the usual legislative process?

Or will the general population end up not giving a s hit because the law is an Ass?
Any store can throw you out for not wearing a mask.
If you don't like it, don't go to the shop.
It's a pain in the bum having to wear a mask, hate it, especially if it's hot or it's raining.
But then I look at the elderly people in the supermarket while I am there - it's no biggy if it does anything to help protect them. I think I read today that cases are slowly increasing too..

What I don't understand is the packed pub on my street. This weekend was even busier, full to the rafters. Why are pubs exempt, especially when drunk people do not social distance?
It's a pain in the bum having to wear a mask, hate it, especially if it's hot or it's raining.
But then I look at the elderly people in the supermarket while I am there - it's no biggy if it does anything to help protect them. I think I read today that cases are slowly increasing too..

What I don't understand is the packed pub on my street. This weekend was even busier, full to the rafters. Why are pubs exempt, especially when drunk people do not social distance?

To create a situation of confusion.

Why delay the implementation of masks for 11 days?

So the public end up arguing amongst themselves the Government can slip through whatever they like.
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